IBM® Informix® Client Software Development Kit, Version 4.10

Global Language Support

IBM® Informix® products can support many languages, cultures, and code sets. Global Language Support (GLS) provides support for all language- and culture-specific information.

The following table describes how to set the GLS options depending on your platform.
Platform How to set GLS options
UNIX Specify the GLS options in the odbc.ini file.
Windows Specify the GLS options in the IBM Informix ODBC Driver DSN Setup dialog box.
The following table describes the GLS options for IBM Informix ODBC Driver.
GLS option Description
Client locale
Locale and code set that the application runs in
odbc.ini field for UNIX:
Default value for UNIX:
Default value for Windows:
Important: The setting of the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable in the operating system environment and in Setnet32 are ignored by IBM Informix ODBC Driver. To change the client locale, you must use this GLS option.
Database locale
Locale and code set that the database was created in
odbc.ini field for UNIX:
Default value for UNIX:
Default value for Windows:
Important: The setting of the DB_LOCALE environment variable in the operating system environment and in Setnet32 are ignored by IBM Informix ODBC Driver. To change the database locale, you must use this GLS option.
Translation library
Performs the code set conversion
Path to the file for the library. The translation DLL must follow the ODBC standard for translation libraries. For more information, see the IBM Informix ODBC Driver Programmer's Manual.
odbc.ini field for UNIX:
Default value for UNIX:
$INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql/igo4a304.xx where xx is platform-specific extension for shared library
Default value for Windows:
Translation option
Option for a non-IBM Informix translation library
Determined by the vendor
odbc.ini field for UNIX:
Default value for Windows:
Determined by the vendor
Restriction: Do not set this option for an IBM Informix translation library. An IBM Informix translation library determines the translation option based on the client locale and database locale values.
VMB character
Varying multibyte character length reporting option that specifies how to set pcbValue when rgbValue (the output area) is not large enough for the code-set-converted data. The possible values are:
IBM Informix ODBC Driver makes a worst-case estimate of the storage space needed to return the data.
IBM Informix ODBC Driver writes the code-set-converted data to disk until all the data is converted. Because this option can degrade performance, it is recommended that you do not use this option unless your application does not work with Estimate.

When you use a multibyte code set (in which characters vary in length from 1 to 4 bytes) for either the database or client locale, the length of a character string or simple large object (TEXT) in the database locale does not indicate the length of the string after it is converted to the client locale.

Possible values for UNIX:
0 = Estimate
1 = Exact
Possible values for Windows:
odbc.ini field for UNIX:
Default value for UNIX:
Default value for Windows:

For more information about GLS and locales, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide.

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To find the PDF, see Publications for the IBM Informix 12.10 family of products.
For the release notes, documentation notes, and/or machine notes, see the Release Notes page.
timestamp Release date: September 2013