Dashboards and charts - Legacy

You can view the legacy charts in the different dashboards which provides information about the metrics, usage, and performance of the application.

Deprecated feature

Application Server Performance

The Application Server Performance dashboard has 15 charts. In this dashboard, you can monitor the application server health by understanding the following points:

  • View any anomaly in request, response timing, throughput, database calls, and external calls
  • View the number of REST API calls
  • View Database Query Tool requests and response time
  • Identify queries that take a longer time

The following table lists the names of the charts and their descriptions:

Chart name What does the chart show?
Web request response - Average Average response time of requests per UI application. A higher response time for all applications indicates an application server issue. A higher response time specific to a particular application shows workload issue.
Web request throughput Web requests throughput per application. Based on the duration picked by using time picker, the throughput can be requests per minute. Move the mouse pointer over the chart to see the duration between plotted metrics.
Error count by error type Total number of errors listed per error class. Look at the APM of the corresponding application or error log to see the error details.
Error count by application Errors in the application servers per application. Identify the time of the day of the errors by viewing the series view of errors.
Database call duration - average Average time taken to run SQLs per application. An increase in the call duration indicates a slowness in the database. To understand the issue, compare this chart with infra charts and API response time.
Database call count Number of database calls. An increase in the database call count might indicate an increase in the number of APIs and services that are called from the application server.
External call duration Average time taken in external web requests from application servers (JVMs) per application server. An increase in external call duration reflects in corresponding API response time.
External call count Number of external web requests from application server per application
External service calls from application server Average response time of external HTTPUrlConnection calls
Web request response breakup - Call Center Web requests queuing from Call Center
Web request response breakup - SMCFS Web requests and response from SMCFS
Web request response breakup - Store Web requests and response from Store
REST API call count Number of REST API (XAPI REST servlet) calls
DB Query Tool request Number of queries that are run from the DB Query Tool
DB Query Tool maximum response time Maximum time that is taken for running queries. Queries that take a longer time, impact the Data Extract and Standby DB performance.
Deprecated feature

Application server JVM metrics

The Application server JVM metrics dashboard contains seven charts. In this dashboard, you can view information about the allocated heap memory for the application server, the heap usage, CPU utilization by garbage collection, thread count, default executor threads, data source DB connection wait time and details about the number of active and available connections in the pool for each JVM. All these charts are updated after every 1 minute.

Chart name What does the chart show?
App server allocated heap memory Minimum and maximum allocated heap size in bytes for each JVM.

By default, there are 4 JVMs and the number varies based on the JVMs for your organization.

The JVM Name is the unique JVM ID for each node.

App server heap usage Current heap usage for all JVMs. Select a specific JVM to display the heap usage only for that JVM. If the heap usage is high for a specific JVM, select that JVM for all widgets to analyze the issue.
App server CPU utilization by garbage collection Percentage of CPU utilization by the garbage collection activity for each JVM.
App server thread count Total number of active threads for each JVM.
App server default executor threads The WebSphere Application Server Liberty application server uses default executor threads. This chart displays the default executor threads that are available in the pool and the threads that are currently used for each JVM.
App server data source DB connection wait time Wait time of each JVM for establishing connection with the database.
App server data source DB connection - active and available Number of active connections in the pool for each JVM and the number of available connections out of the total number of active connections for each JVM.
Deprecated feature

Agent and Integration server JVM metrics

The Agent and Integration server JVM metrics dashboard contains four charts. In this dashboard, you can view information about the allocated heap memory for the agent and integration server, heap usage, CPU utilization by garbage collection, and thread count. All these charts are updated after every 1 minute.

Chart name What does the chart show?
Agent and Integration server allocated heap memory Minimum and maximum allocated heap size in bytes for each JVM.

The JVM Name is the unique JVM ID for each node.

Agent and Integration server heap usage Current heap usage for all JVMs. Select a specific JVM to display the heap usage only for that JVM. If the heap usage is high for a specific JVM, select that JVM for all widgets to analyze the issue.
Agent and Integration server CPU utilization by garbage collection Percentage of CPU utilization by the garbage collection activity for each JVM.
Agent and Integration server thread count Total number of active threads for each JVM.
Deprecated feature

Agent and Integration Server Performance

The Agent and Integration Server Performance dashboard contains nine charts. In this dashboard, you can monitor the health of the servers by checking the status of the agent and integration servers.

You can use the charts to understand the following points and understand the root cause for any issue that occurs:

  • Check whether request and response time of agent and integration servers have any spikes
  • Identify any increase in count or response time of database calls or any external, third-party calls
  • View the count or type of errors per application

The following table lists the names of the charts and their descriptions:

Chart name What does the chart show?
Threads used (High watermark) Maximum number of threads that are used during the specified time
Database call duration - Average Average time taken to run SQLs per application. A significant prolonged increase in the database duration shows a slowness of the database.
Database call count Number of SQLs that are run per application. An increase in the database call count might indicate an increase in the number of APIs and Services that are called from application servers or a change in the API/Service behavior.
External call count Average time taken in external web requests from application servers (JVMs) per application server. An increase in the external call duration reflects in an increase in the corresponding API response time.
External call duration Number of external web requests from application server per application
Agent and Integration Server response Average response time of Agent and Integration Servers
Top 15 Agent/Integration Servers Top 15 Agent/Integration Servers with high average response time
Error count by error type Total number of errors listed per error class. Look at the APM of the corresponding application or error log to see the error details.
Error count by application Errors in the application servers per application
Deprecated feature

JMS metrics

The JMS metrics dashboard contains five charts. In this dashboard, you can view information about the connections to the IBM MQ, connection state for unit of work, bytes that are received and sent, queue depth for top 30 queues, and the queue statistics. All these charts are updated after every 1 minute.

Chart name What does the chart show?
Connection count Number of connections that are made by the channel to IBM MQ and the total number of global connections that are available for IBM MQ.
Connection st


ate for unit of work
Connection state for the unit of work in IBM MQ such as active units of work that are available or the number of units being prepared.
Channel cumulative metrics Number of bytes that are sent or received since the channel started and the number of transmission buffers that are sent or received.
Queue depth of top 30 queues Queue depth of top 30 queues in the specified duration.
Queues that are not consumed by agent or integration servers are not displayed. The purpose of the Timeseries chart is to display the top 30 queues. Top 30 is determined based on the following criteria:
  • At least one connection to the queue.
  • Number of messages in the queue.
Queue statistics Lists all configured queues and displays the number of applications that are currently connected to each queue to put or get messages, maximum queue depth, and the average queue depth for each queue.