Upgrading API management

Upgrade the API management component (API Connect) in IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration from version 2020.3 to 2020.4.1, or upgrade to the newest version of API Connect used in 2020.4.

About this task

Table 1 lists the highest (newest) operator version for each version of API Connect (the operand).

Table 1. API Connect versions and operators
API Connect version Operator channel version Highest operator version v2.1.7-eus 2.1.11 v2.1.6-eus 2.1.10 v2.1.6-eus 2.1.9 v2.1.5-eus 2.1.8 v2.1.5-eus 2.1.7 v2.1.5-eus 2.1.6 v2.1.4-eus 2.1.5 v2.1-eus 2.1.3 v2.1-eus 2.1.2 v2.1-eus 2.1.1 v2.1-eus 2.1.0 v2.0 2.0.0 v1.0 1.0.2

The upgrade procedure depends on your current version of IBM Cloud Pak for Integration:

Note: Upgrading from API Connect V2018 (Cloud Pak for Integration 2020.2 or earlier) requires a manual upgrade of the API Connect deployment as explained in Upgrading from v2018 FP13-ifix1 on Cloud Pak for Integration, in the API Connect documentation.

Upgrading the deployed version of API Connect to

Upgrade the API Connect component in CP4I from v10.0.1.1-eus or later to

Before you begin

If you are running API Connect v10.0.1.2-eus, your deployment might be experiencing DNS errors in pgbouncer. Review the known issue to determine whether your deployment is affected and if so, to replace the pgbouncer image before upgrading to API Connect

Known issue: Pgbouncer DNS error in v10.0.1.2-eus

Complete the following steps to determine whether your deployment is experiencing DNS errors with pgbouncer, and to replace the pgbouncer image if needed. This issue only affects API Connect v10.0.1.2-eus. If you are running a different version of 10.0.1.x-eus, your deployment is not affected and you can proceed directly to the upgrade steps.

Determine whether your v10.0.1.2-eus deployment is experiencing the problem:
  1. Get the pgbouncer pod name:
    oc get pods -n <APIC_namespace> | grep 'pgbouncer'

    where <APIC_namespace> is the namespace where you installed API Connect.

  2. Check the pgbouncer log for the server DNS lookup failed error message:
    oc logs <pgbouncer-pod-name> -n <APIC_namespace> | grep 'server DNS lookup failed'
If the server DNS lookup failed message appears in the log, then your deployment is impacted and you must replace the pgbouncer image. If other errors appear, this procedure will not correct them and you should contact IBM Support for assistance. If no errors appear, you can proceed directly to the upgrade steps.
Replace the pgbouncer image:
  1. Get the new pgbouncer image format from the registry where version images were pushed; for example:

    For CP4I, the default registry-name is icr.

  2. Get the pgbouncer deployment name:
    oc get deploy -n <APIC_namespace> | grep 'pgbouncer'
  3. Edit the pgbouncer deployment:
    oc edit deploy <pgbouncer-deploy-name> -n <APIC_namespace>
  4. In the deployment, replace the container image section with the new image that you downloaded.

  5. Wait for the pgbouncer pod to restart.

  6. Exec into the pgbouncer pod:
    oc exec -it <pgbouncer-pod> -n <APIC_namespace> -- bash
  7. Execute pgbouncer --version and make sure the response matches the following information:
    bash-4.4$ pgbouncer --version
    PgBouncer 1.15.0
    libevent 2.1.8-stable
    adns: evdns2
    tls: OpenSSL 1.1.1g FIPS  21 Apr 2020
    systemd: yes
  8. Verify that the server DNS lookup failed no longer appears in the pgbouncer log:
    oc logs <pgbouncer-pod-name> -n <APIC_namespace> | grep 'server DNS lookup failed'
  9. Delete back-end microservices to force a restart:
    1. Get the apim microservices pod name: oc get pods -n <APIC_namespace> | grep 'apim'
    2. Delete the apim pod: oc delete pod <apim-pod> -n <APIC_namespace>
    3. Get the lur microservices pod name: oc get pods -n <APIC_namespace> | grep 'lur'
    4. Delete the lur pod: oc delete pod <lur-pod> -n <APIC_namespace>
    5. Get the task manager microservice pod name: oc get pods -n <APIC_namespace> | grep 'task'
    6. Delete the task manager pod: oc delete pod <task-manager-pod> -n <APIC_namespace>

  10. Make sure the deployment is up and running before proceeding to upgrade to

About this task

If you already deployed the API Management capability for 2020.4.1 using API Connect or later, you can upgrade to by completing the following steps.


  1. Back up all certificates and issuers to a file by running the following command:
    oc get --all-namespaces -oyaml issuer,clusterissuer,certificate,secret > backup.yaml
  2. Run the pre-upgrade health check:
    1. Verify that the apicops utility is installed by running the following command to check the current version of the utility:
      apicops --version

      If the response indicates that apicops is not available, install it now. See The API Connect operations tool: apicops in the API Connect documentation.

    2. Run the following command to set the KUBECONFIG environment.
      export KUBECONFIG=/<path>/kubeconfig
    3. Run the following command to execute the pre-upgrade script:
      apicops version:pre-upgrade -n <namespace>

      If the system is healthy, the results will not include any errors.

  3. If you use the Operations Dashboard with API management, complete the following steps to upgrade the dashboard and the corresponding images used in API management:
    1. Upgrade the Operations Dashboard.
    2. Update the image paths in the API Connect Cluster CR's spec.gateway.openTracing section as explained in step 2 of Enabling open tracing for API management.
  4. Upgrade operators by completing the following steps:
    Important: Upgrade operators in the specified sequence to ensure that all dependencies are satisfied.

    When you update operators, the behavior depends on whether you enabled automatic or manual subscriptions for the operator channel:

    • If you enabled Automatic subscriptions, the operator version will automatically upgrade to if needed.
    • If you enabled Manual subscriptions, and if operator channel is already at the required version, then OpenShift UI (OLM) will notify you that an upgrade is available. You must manually approve the upgrade.
    1. Upgrade the Platform Navigator.
    2. Update the DataPower operator channel to 1.2-eus, wait for the operator to update, for the pods to restart, and for a Ready status.
      Note: There is a known issue on OpenShift 4.6.7 or higher that can cause the DataPower operator v1.2.0 to fail to start. If the operator fails to start, uninstall the DataPower operator and update to DataPower operator v1.2.1 or later. Version 1.2.1 (or later) of the operator fixes the limitation, and will start.
      In the next 2 steps, the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services operator and the API Connect operator must be upgraded in tandem.
    3. Update the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services channel to v3, and update the operator to 3.19.
    4. Immediately update the API Connect operator channel to 2.1.7-eus, and then wait for the operator to update, for the pods to restart, and for a Ready status.
  5. Verify that the IBM API Connect capability displays Succeeded (green check mark) in Platform Navigator.

    Do not proceed until you see the Succeeded status.

    Troubleshooting: If you encounter the following error condition during the upgrade from a API Connect version earlier than, complete the workaround steps to patch the pgcluster CR, and then upgrade the API Connect operator again.
    1. Check for the following errors:

      From the API Connect operator:

      upgrade cluster failed: Could not upgrade cluster: there exists an ongoing upgrade task: [minimum-mgmt-56616911-postgres-upgrade]. If you believe this is an error, try deleting this pgtask
      {"level":"info","ts":1659638932.470165,"logger":"UpgradeCluster: ","msg":"Postgres DB version is less than pgoVersion. Performing upgrade ","pgoVersion: ":"4.7.4","postgresDBVersion: ":"4.5.2","clusterName":"minimum-mgmt-56616911-postgres"}

      And from the postgres operator:

      time="2022-08-04T22:05:42Z" level=error msg="Namespace Controller: error syncing Namespace 'cp4i': unsuccessful pgcluster version check: Pgcluster.crunchydata.com "minimum-mgmt-56616911-postgres" is invalid: spec.backrestStorageTypes: Invalid value: "null": spec.backrestStorageTypes in body must be of type array: "null"" 

      The errors are caused by a null value for the property in the pgcluster CR. The workaround is to patch the pgcluster CR and correct the property.

      remove the null value for backrestStorageTypes: under spec, if found and add appropriate value mentioned below. Or if backrestStorageTypes doesn't show up in pgcluster add the below values according to the backup type used

    2. Get the pgcluster name and edit the CR:
      oc get pgcluster -n <APIC_namespace>
      oc edit pgcluster <pgcluster_name> -n <APIC_namespace> 
    3. Add a value for the backrestStorageTypes in the spec: section:

      Example for S3 backups:

          - s3

      Example for local and SFTP backups:

          - posix
    4. Save and apply the CR with the wq command.

If you are upgrading from an API Connect release prior to, complete steps 5, 6, and 7 to resolve certificate issues (certificate manager was upgraded in API Connect Otherwise, skip to step 8.

  1. Check for certificate errors.

    In Version, API Connect upgraded its certificate manager, which might cause some errors during the upgrade. Complete the following steps to check for certificate errors and correct them.

    1. Check the new API Connect operator's log for an error similar to the following example:
      {"level":"error","ts":1634966113.8442025,"logger":"controllers.AnalyticsCluster","msg":"Failed to set owner reference on certificate request","analyticscluster":"apic/instance-name-a7s","certificate":"instance-name-a7s-ca","error":"Object apic/instance-name-a7s-ca is already owned by another Certificate controller instance-name-a7s-ca",

      To correct this problem, delete all issuers and certificates generated with certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1. For certificates used by route objects, you must also delete the route and secret objects.

    2. Run the following commands to delete the issuers and certificates that were generated with certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1:
      oc delete issuers.certmanager.k8s.io instance-name-self-signed instance-name-ingress-issuer  instance-name-mgmt-ca instance-name-a7s-ca instance-name-ptl-ca
      oc delete certs.certmanager.k8s.io instance-name-ingress-ca instance-name-mgmt-ca instance-name-ptl-ca instance-name-a7s-ca

      In the examples, instance-name is the instance name of the top-level apiconnectcluster.

      When you delete the issuers and certificates, the new certificate manager generates replacements; this might take a few minutes.

    3. Verify that the new CA certs are refreshed and ready.

      Run the following command to verify the certificates:

      oc get certs instance-name-ingress-ca instance-name-mgmt-ca instance-name-ptl-ca instance-name-a7s-ca

      The CA certs are ready when AGE is "new" and the READY column shows True.

    4. Delete the remaining old certificates, routes, and secret objects.

      Run the following commands:

      oc get certs.certmanager.k8s.io | awk '/instance-name/{print $1}'  | xargs oc delete certs.certmanager.k8s.io
      oc delete certs.certmanager.k8s.io postgres-operator
      oc get routes --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" | grep ^instance-name- | xargs oc delete secrets
      oc get routes --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" | grep ^instance-name- | xargs oc delete routes
    5. Verify that no old issuers or certificates from your top-level instance remain.

      Run the following commands:

      oc get issuers.certmanager.k8s.io | grep instance-name
      oc get certs.certmanager.k8s.io | grep instance-name

      Both commands should report that no resources were found.

  2. Use the apicops utility (version 0.10.57 or later) to detect stale certificates and then delete them.

    In rare cases, when new certificates are generated, some of them might be signed with the old CA secret. The result is that the new certificates can't be verified. If you are upgrading from or older, the top-level API Connect CR might not show a ready/health state until you delete all the secrets that failed to be verified. Using the apicops tool ensures that you successfully detect all stale certificates.

    1. Verify that the OpenShift UI indicates that all operators are in the Succeeded state without any warnings.
    2. Run the following command:
      apicops upgrade:stale-certs -n <APIC_namespace>
    3. Delete any stale secrets for certificates that are managed by cert-manager.

      If a certificate failed the verification and it is managed by cert-manager, you can delete the stale certificate secret, and let cert-manager regenerate it. To delete the certificate secret, run the following command:

      oc delete secret <stale-secret> -n <APIC_namespace>

      Note that you are deleting the secret and not the new certificate.

  3. If needed, delete the portal-www, portal-db and portal-nginx pods to ensure they use the new secrets.

    If you have the Developer Portal deployed, then the portal-www, portal-db and portal-nginx pods might require deleting to ensure that they pick up the newly generated secrets when restarted. If the pods are not showing as "ready" in a timely manner, then delete all the pods at the same time (this will cause down time).

    Run the following commands to get the name of the portal CR and delete the pods:

    oc project <APIC_namespace>
    oc get ptl
    oc delete po -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=<name_of_portal_CR>
  4. If needed, renew the internal certificates for the analytics subsystem.

    If you see analytics-storage-* or analytics-mq-* pods in the CrashLoopBackOff state, then renew the internal certificates for the analytics subsystem and force a restart of the pods.

    1. Switch to the project/namespace where analytics is deployed and run the following command to get the name of the analytics CR (AnalyticsCluster):
      oc project <APIC_namespace>
      oc get a7s

      You need the CR name for the remaining steps.

    2. Renew the internal certificates (CA, client, and server) by running the following commands:
      oc get certificate <name_of_analytics_CR>
      -ca -o=jsonpath='{.spec.secretName}' | xargs oc delete secret
      oc get certificate <name_of_analytics_CR>
      -client -o=jsonpath='{.spec.secretName}' | xargs oc delete secret
      oc get certificate <name_of_analytics_CR>
      -server -o=jsonpath='{.spec.secretName}' | xargs oc delete secret
    3. Force a restart of all analytics pods by running the following command:
      oc delete po -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=<name_of_analytics_CR>
  5. Update the DataPower Gateway and API Connect operands:
    1. In Platform Navigator, click the Runtimes tab.
    2. Click Menu icon at the end of the current row, and then click Change version.
    3. Click Select a new channel or version, and then select in the Channel field.

      Selecting the new channel ensures that both DataPower Gateway and API Connect are upgraded.

    4. Click Save to save your selections and start the upgrade.

      In the runtimes table, the Status column for the runtime displays the "Upgrading" message. The upgrade is complete when the Status is "Ready" and the Version displays the new version number.

  6. Upgrade the OpenShift cluster to 4.10.
    • Change the channel in OpenShift to 4.10, and wait for the upgrade to finish.
    • Wait for nodes to all show the newer version of Kubernetes.

Upgrading API management from CP4I 2020.3 to CP4I 2020.4

About this task

Upgrading to 2020.4 requires you to update the version of OpenShift to 4.6.x, then update IBM Cloud Pak foundational services, Platform Navigator, and API Connect to the eus subscription channel. When you upgrade the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration API management capability to release 2020.4, you deploy the newest version of API Connect.


Complete the steps in the following sequence:

  1. Upgrade OpenShift to 4.6.latest.

    Do not proceed to the next step until all Kubernetes nodes show that they are updated to version 1.19.x.

  2. Use the OCP UI to upgrade the common services operator by changing the subscription channel to the eus version.
  3. Use the OCP UI to upgrade the Platform Navigator operator by changing the subscription channel to the eus version.
  4. If you use the Operations Dashboard with API management, complete the following steps to upgrade the dashboard and the corresponding images used in API management:
    1. Upgrade the Operations Dashboard.
    2. Update the image paths in the API Connect Cluster CR's spec.gateway.openTracing section as explained in step 4 of Enabling open tracing for API management.
  5. Use the OCP UI to upgrade the DataPower operator by changing the subscription channel to the eus version.
  6. Use the OCP UI to upgrade the API Connect operator by changing the subscription channel to the eus version.
    • After the operators are upgraded, the following status condition displays for API Connect on the Platform Navigator UI:

      Product version is not compatible with your current platform.

      This is a temporary condition because you have not completed the upgrade yet. You can ignore this message.

    • If you upgrade from API Connect V10.0.1.0 directly to V10.0.1.x on OpenShift, you will encounter a known problem with the API Connect operator. During the upgrade, the API Connect operator will be stuck in the "Upgrade available" state as shown in the following image:
      API Connect continues to display the "Upgrade available" message

      In addition, the catalog-operator in the OLM namespace will throw the following error:

      sync "<namespace>" failed: found more than one head for channel

      You can work around the error by completing the following steps:

      This workaround will not have a downtime impact.
      1. Delete the following operators: DataPower operator, IBM Cloud Platform Common Services, and ibm-apiconnect operator.
      2. Re-install the ibm-apiconnect operator.
  7. Use Platform Navigator to complete the upgrade for API Connect and DataPower by changing the subscription channel to the version.

    DataPower is deployed as a component of API Connect, so when you set the channel for API Connect, DataPower is automatically upgraded as well.

    Note: While you navigate in Platform Navigator to complete this step, the following message might display:

    Minor issue deploying stack-name. Product version is not compatible with your current platform.

    This is another temporary message indicating that you have not completed the upgrade yet, and you can ignore it. If the message appears again after you dismiss it, continue dismissing it.

    1. In the Platform Navigator, click the Runtimes tab.

      If an update is available for a runtime, the Information icon displays next to the runtime's current Version number.

      Attention: Verify that the Status displays "Ready" before attempting an update.
    2. Click Menu icon at the end of the current row, and then click Change version.
    3. Click Select a new channel or version, and then select in the Channel field.

      Selecting the new channel ensures that both DataPower Gateway and API Connect are upgraded.

    4. Click Save to save your selections and start the upgrade.

      In the runtimes table, the Status column for the runtime displays the "Upgrading" message. The upgrade is complete when the Status is "Ready" and the Version displays the new version number.