
Uninstall the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I) by removing the operands, the operators, and the catalog sources. You can do this using the OpenShift console or the command line.

Uninstall using RedHat OpenShift Console UI

To uninstall using the Red Hat OpenShift Console UI, follow these steps:

  1. If your OpenShift is deployed in a public cloud, log on to it (for example, https://cloud.ibm.com)

  2. Navigate to your OpenShift Cluster

  3. Select Operators > Installed Operators

  4. Select the namespace your operands are deployed in using the Project selector.

  5. For each installed CP4I operator, delete the operands associated with the operator using the tabs for each Custom Resource managed by the operator, for example PlatformNavigator.

    Do not delete the operands for Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager

  6. Return to Operators > Installed Operators

  7. Uninstall each operator by clicking the menu icon to the right of each entry and selecting Uninstall Operator

  8. Delete the namespace used for CP4I. Only do this if you are not using the namespace for other resources.

    1. Click Home > Projects, and locate the namespace

    2. Click the overflow menu icon and click Delete Project

  9. Delete the CatalogSource for the operators. Only do this if you are not using other operators from the catalog.

    1. Select Administration > Cluster Settings

    2. Select the Global Configuration tab, then select OperatorHub

    3. Select the Sources tab

    4. Delete the relevant catalog sources

Uninstalling using the OpenShift CLI

These instructions assume that you have installed the OpenShift CLI.

Removing, or uninstalling with the OpenShift CLI requires the following steps:

  1. Set the NAMESPACE environment variable to the namespace your operands are deployed in:

    export NAMESPACE="cp4i"
  2. Uninstall the CP4I operands from your namespace:

     for resource_type in ${RESOURCE_TYPES}; do
         echo "Deleting operands for resource type: $resource_type"
         oc delete ${resource_type} -n ${NAMESPACE} --all
  3. Delete the Subscription for each operator from your namespace. If the operators were installed using the All namespaces on the cluster mode, these will be in the openshift-operators namespace:

    1. List the available entries in your namespace:

      oc get subscription -n $NAMESPACE
    2. Delete all CP4I entries:

      oc delete subscription -n $NAMESPACE CSV1 CSV2 ... CSVn
  4. Delete the ClusterServiceVersion for each operator from your namespace. If the operators were installed using the All namespaces on the cluster mode, these will be in every namespace on the cluster. Otherwise, they will be in the namespace the operator was installed in:

    1. List the available entries in your namespace:

      oc get csv -n $NAMESPACE
    2. Delete all CP4I entries except operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager:

      oc delete csv -n $NAMESPACE CSV1 CSV2 ... CSVn
  5. Delete the operator group. Only do this if you are not using other operators in the namespace:

    oc delete OperatorGroup -n $NAMESPACE $NAMESPACE-og
  6. Delete the mapping of CouchDB and Redis versions:

    oc delete ConfigMap couchdb-release redis-release -n $NAMESPACE
  7. Delete the namespace. Only do this if you are not using the namespace for other resources:

    oc delete ns $NAMESPACE
  8. Uninstall IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services. For more information, see Uninstall Common Services.

  9. Uninstall the relevant entries for CatalogSource. Only do this if you are not using other operators from the catalog.

    1. List the available CatalogSource entries:

      oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace
    2. Delete the CP4I catalog sources:

      oc delete catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace CS1 CS2 ... CSn