IBM Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Return code mapping file names for r3batch

r3batch uses the global return code mapping files listed below. You must manually create the rcm directory under TWS_home/methods and the mapping files you want to implement.
Maps messages from the R/3 job log of a job into return code values. If this file is not present, the messages in the joblog are ignored.
The format of the mapping file is:
where program_pattern is the external program that produced the output shown in the job log and message_id_pattern is the message class. For example, the following line appended in the job log:
04/26/2005 10:08:04 00
    550Step 001 started (program BTCTEST, variant GIULIO, user name TWSDEV)
will match the following pattern line in TWS_home/methods/rcm/r3batch-joblog.rcm:
"*Step*" "*" "550" "*"=5 
"Step 001 started (program BTCTEST, variant GIULIO, user name TWSDEV)"
Maps messages from the protocol of a Process Chain into return code values. If this file is not present, the messages in the protocol are ignored.
The format of the mapping file is:
Maps messages in the job spool list of an R/3 job into return code values. If this file is not present, the messages in the spool list are ignored.
The format of the mapping file is:
Maps messages in the syslog of an R/3 system into return code values. The R/3 system log should be checked only when R/3 returns the generic 552 error to r3batch.

If this file is not present, the messages in the system log are ignored.

The format of the mapping file is:

If you plan to map system log messages, be sure to set the log_r3syslog option of r3batch to ON (the default is OFF).

Maps ABAP exceptions and BAPI return codes of RFC function modules into return code values. If this file is not present, the mapping is done using a hardcoded table.
The format of the mapping file is:
message_number is the error message number. The last message number is always used. That is, if two error messages are generated, only the second one is checked against the mapping file.