IBM Workload Automation, Version 9.3

Error codes

The scheduler assigns error codes to certain operations and to job and started task steps. These codes are used by the automatic job recovery function to decide a recovery action.
The job or started task was canceled by the operator or by a TSO user before execution. This code is also possible if the job-termination event (type 3P) is missing.
The completion code is unknown. The job or started task has ended, but no completion code is available. This code is also possible if the job-end event (type 3J) is missing.

Check the job log and SYSLOG.

A failure occurred when IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS attempted to complete the JCL tailoring during the restart and cleanup process.
A failure occurred when IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS attempted to run the data set cleanup during the restart and cleanup process.
A failure occurred when IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS attempted to retrieve the historical job log data during the restart and cleanup process. nnnn Step return code. S xxx System abend code. U xxx User abend code in hexadecimal notation. For example, user abend 2750 is represented in IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS as UABE. xxxx User-defined error code.
A failure occurred in the EQQCLEAN step, during the run of a restarted job.
An error during JCC (job completion checker) processing prevented the JCC from determining an error code for the operation.
The request to bind the shadow job with a real instance of the remote plan failed.
A JCL error was recognized after the job or started task began to execute, or a JCL error was recognized after syntax checking in the internal reader.
A JCL error occurred immediately; that is, the error was detected before the job or started task began. This code is also possible when both the job-start event (type 2) and the job-end event (type 3J) are missing. On z-centric agent workstations, this code is returned when a parsing error occurs in the JOBREC statement.
The workstation analyzer task has tried to start the same operation repeatedly and message EQQW534E has been stored in the controller MLOG to signal a loop. To stop the loop, the operation was set to error with error code LOOP.
The operation was manually set to error in the MCP panel. OFxx The system that the operation is defined on has gone offline. The WSOFFLINE parameter on the JTOPTS initialization statement specifies that started operations should be marked as ended-in-error. xx is the status and extended status of the failing operation. Operations that were running (status SS) have a step-code error status of OFFL.
Step return code.
While running the System Automation command specified with the operation, the System Automation exit EQQUXSAZ issued a return code different from 0. The operation status is set to E. Check for System Automation messages in the log specified in the AUTOMATIONMSG parameter of the OPCOPTS statement.
The system that the operation is defined on has gone offline. The WSOFFLINE parameter on the JTOPTS initialization statement specifies that started operations should be marked as ended-in-error. xx is the status and extended status of the failing operation. Operations that were running (status SS) have a step-code error status of OFFL.
An error occurred during JCL-variable substitution when the job or started task was submitted, or IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS detected an error in the RECOVER statement during automatic recovery. Browse the JCL for the operation or the EQQMLOG data set to find more information about the failure.

This error code can also be issued when an error occurred during variable substitution in a System Automation command text. The operation status could be set to E, based on the SAVARFAIL parameter set in the OPCOPTS initialization statement. To identify the variables not resolved and the type of error occurred, check for the messages related to occurrence variable substitution in EQQMLOG.

A job or started task began to execute before all its predecessors have completed. This can occur only if the job was not submitted by IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS and if either HOLDJOB(NO) or HOLDJOB(USER) is specified for IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS event writer options. For fault-tolerant workstations, the OSEQ code can indicate that a dependency on another operation or a special resource was added after the job started, but before the event reached the controller. See Customization and Tuning.
A failure occurred when IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS attempted to submit a job or start a started task. In the case of a started task, it could be that the started task is a subsystem that is not started by JES, or IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS subsystem EQQSTC ddname is not allocated to a JES-defined procedure library. The operation should be marked as ended-in-error.

For jobs running on z-centric agent workstations and z/OS® shadow jobs, OSUB indicates that the job submission failed.

A failure occurred when IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS attempted to retrieve the JCL for a job or started task. This code is set if the SUBFAILACTION keyword of the JTOPTS initialization statement specifies that the operation should be marked as ended-in-error. This code is also caused if you have JOBCHECK(SAME) and the job name in the application description does not match the one on the job card. Another reason for this code is a job is missing JCL that was packed by ISPF in EQQJBLIB.

In end-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance capabilities, this code indicates that an error occurred while the scheduler was queuing the submission event for the job. For jobs with centralized scripts it might also show that IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS could not download the script to the distributed agent.

A time operation is late, and the SUPPRESSACTION parameter of the JTOPTS initialization statement specified that the operation should be marked as ended-in-error.
The system on which the operation is defined has failed. The WSFAILURE parameter on the JTOPTS initialization statement specifies that started operations should be marked as ended-in-error. xx is the status and extended status of the failing operation. Operations that were running (status SS) have a step-code error of OSYS.
A print operation was canceled by the operator.
Step return code.
An operation submitted in a Restart and Clean up path (through a dialog but also automatically, for example, when clean up was set to AUTOMATIC) was not submitted because the required scheduling environment was not available..
An operation required a scheduling environment that is unknown to WLM; for this reason it was not submitted.
The request to bind the shadow job is rejected.
System abend code.
User abend code in hexadecimal notation. For example user abend 2750 is represented in IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS as UABE.
User-defined error code.