RESTORE NODE (Restore a NAS node)

Use this command to initiate a restore operation for a network-attached storage (NAS) node.

You can use the RESTORE NODE command to restore backups that were created by using either the client's BACKUP NAS command or the server's BACKUP NODE command. NAS data may be restored from primary or copy native Tivoli® Storage Manager pools; primary or copy NAS pools; or any combination needed to achieve the restore.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, policy privilege for the domain to which the node is assigned, or client owner authority over the node.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-RESTORE Node--node_name--source_file_system------------------>


   |                .-,---------.      |   
   |                V           |      |   


                 '- -numdays-----'     

   .-PITTime--=--NOW-----------.  .-Wait--=--No------.   
   '-PITTime--=--+-hh:mm:ss--+-'  '-Wait--=--+-No--+-'   
                 +-NOW-------+               '-Yes-'     
                 '- -hh:mm---'                           



node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the node to restore. You cannot use wildcard characters or specify a list of names.
source_file_system (Required)
Specifies the name of the file system to restore. You cannot use wildcard characters for this name. You cannot specify more than one file system to restore. Virtual file space names are allowed.
Specifies that the file server restores the data to an existing, mounted file system on the file server. This parameter is optional. The default is the original location of the file system on the file server. Virtual file space names are allowed.
Specifies the list of file or directory names to be restored. This parameter is optional. The default is to restore the entire file system. If this value is specified, the server attempts to restore the objects from the appropriate image. If the PITDATE and PITTIME parameters are specified, then the file is restored from the last backup image prior to the specified time. If no PITDATE and PITTIME parameters are specified, the file is restored from the latest backup image of the file system.

If the image is a differential backup, objects are first restored from the corresponding full backup and then from the differential backup. The restore is done by scanning the appropriate images for the specified objects and restoring any that are found. The TOCs for these images is not accessed, so the server does not check whether the objects are actually contained within the images.

The folder path and file name must be entered using forward slash (/) symbols. No ending forward slash (/) is needed at the end of the file name. All arguments that contain a space must have double quotation marks ("argument with spaces") surrounding the entire argument.

FILELIST="/path/to/filename1 with blanks",/path/to/filename2_no_blanks
Any file names that contain commas must have double quotation marks surrounding the entire argument, surrounded by single quotation marks ('"argument with commas"').

To restore a complete directory, specify a directory name instead of a file name. All files in the directory and its subdirectories are restored. An ending forward slash (/) is not needed at the end of the directory name:

Specifies one or more file or directory names to be restored. The names you specify cannot contain wildcards. Multiple names must be separated with commas and no intervening blanks. File names are case-sensitive.
Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of the file or directory names to be restored. In the specified file, each file or directory name must be on a separate line. Blank lines and comment lines that begin with an asterisk are ignored. For example:
To restore files FILE01, FILE02, and FILE03, create a file named RESTORELIST that contains a line for each file:

You can specify the files to be restored with the command as follows:

Specifies how you want the server to interpret the names specified as FILELIST=file_name or the names listed in the file specified with FILELIST=file_list. This parameter is useful when the names may contain Unicode characters. It has no effect if the FILELIST parameter is not specified. The default value is SERVER. Possible values are:
The server uses the server's code page to interpret the names.
The server interprets the names that you enter as the hexadecimal representation of a name in Unicode. To view the hexadecimal representation of a file or directory name, you can use the QUERY TOC command with FORMAT=DETAILED.
The server interprets the names as being UTF-8 encoded. This option only applies when you have specified a list with FILELIST=FILE:file_list.
Restriction: Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) has limitations that prevent Tivoli Storage Manager from reporting whether or not individual files and directories are successfully restored.
Specifies the point-in-time date. When used with the PITTIME parameter, PITDATE establishes the point in time from which you want to select the data to restore. The latest data that was backed up on or before the date and time that you specify will be restored. This parameter is optional. The default is TODAY.
You can specify the date by using one of the following values:
Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date 06/25/2001
TODAY The current date TODAY


The current date minus days specified TODAY–7 or –7.

To restore data that was backed up a week ago, specify PITDATE=TODAY-7 or PITDATE=-7.

EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include files that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include files that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

Specifies the point-in-time time. When used with the PITDATE parameter, PITTIME establishes the point in time from which you want to select the data to restore. The latest data that was backed up on or before the date and time that you specify will be restored. This parameter is optional. The default is the current time.
You can specify the time by using one of the following values:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time on the specified date 12:33:28
NOW The current time on the specified date NOW


The current time minus hours and minutes on the specified begin date NOW-03:30 or -03:30.

If you issue this command at 9:00 with PITTIME=NOW-03:30 or PITTIME=-03:30, the server restores backup records with a time of 5:30 or later on the point-in-time date.

Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command in the foreground. The default is NO. Possible values are:
Specifies that the server processes this command in the background. Use the QUERY PROCESS command to monitor the background processing of this command.
Specifies that the server processes this command in the foreground. You wait for the command to complete before continuing with other tasks. The server then displays the output messages to the administrative client when the command completes.
Restriction: You cannot specify WAIT=YES from the server console.
Specifies the type of image to restore. The default value for this parameter is BACKUPIMAGE and it is used to restore data from standard NDMP base or differential backups. Other image types represent backup methods that might be specific to a particular file server. Possible values are:
Specifies that the file system should be restored from the appropriate standard NDMP backup images. This is the default method for performing an NDMP restore operation. Using the BACKUPIMAGE type, you can restore data from base and differential backups, and data at the file level.
Specifies that the file system should be retrieved from a NetApp SnapMirror image. SnapMirror images are block-level full-backup images of a NetApp file system. A SnapMirror image can only be restored to a file system that has been prepared as a SnapMirror target volume. Refer to the documentation that came with your NetApp file server for details.

After a SnapMirror image is retrieved and copied to a target file system, Tivoli Storage Manager breaks the SnapMirror relationship that was created by the file server during the operation. After the restore is complete, the target file system returns to the same state as that of the original file system at the point-in-time of the backup.

When setting the TYPE parameter to SNAPMIRROR, note the following restrictions:

  • You cannot specify the FILELIST parameter.
  • Neither the source_file_system_name nor the destination_file_system_name can be a virtual filespace name.
  • This parameter is valid for NetApp and IBM® N-Series file servers only.

Example: Restore a complete directory

Restore all of the files and subdirectories in the directory /mydir.
restore node nasnode /myfs /dest filelist=/path/to/mydir

Example: Restore data from a file system

Restore the data from the /vol/vol10 file system on NAS node NAS1.
restore node nas1 /vol/vol10

Example: Restore a directory-level backup to the same location

Restore the directory-level backup to the original location. The source is the virtual file space name /MIKESDIR and no destination is specified.
restore node nas1 /mikesdir
For this example and the next example, assume the following virtual file space definitions exist on the server for the node NAS1.
VFS Name		Filesystem	Path
/mikesdir			/vol/vol2	/mikes
/TargetDirVol2		/vol/vol2	/tmp
/TargetDirVol1		/vol/vol1	/tmp

Example: Restore a directory-level backup to a different file system

Restore the directory-level backup to a different file system but preserve the path.
restore node nas1 /mikesdir /vol/vol0

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to RESTORE NODE
Command Description
BACKUP NODE Backs up a network-attached storage (NAS) node.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
QUERY NASBACKUP Displays information about NAS backup images.
QUERY TOC Displays details about the table of contents for a specified backup image.