UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a storage pool)

Use this command to change a storage pool.

Restriction: If a client is using the simultaneous-write function and data deduplication, the data deduplication feature is disabled during backups to a storage pool.

The UPDATE STGPOOL command takes six forms. The syntax and parameters for each form are defined separately.

Table 1. Commands related to UPDATE STGPOOL
Command Description
BACKUP STGPOOL Backs up a primary storage pool to a copy storage pool.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a collocation group.
DEFINE STGPOOL Defines a storage pool as a named collection of server storage media.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a collocation group.
DELETE STGPOOL Deletes a storage pool from server storage.
MOVE DRMEDIA Moves DRM media onsite and offsite.
MOVE MEDIA Moves storage pool volumes that are managed by an automated library.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation groups.
QUERY DRMEDIA Displays information about disaster recovery volumes.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and size of data for a client node.
QUERY SHREDSTATUS Displays information about data waiting to be shredded.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
RESTORE STGPOOL Restores files to a primary storage pool from copy storage pools.
RESTORE VOLUME Restores files stored on specified volumes in a primary storage pool from copy storage pools.
SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS Specifies criteria for database backup series expiration.
SHRED DATA Manually starts the process of shredding deleted data.
UPDATE COLLOCGROUP Updates the description of a collocation group.