Windows operating systems

Dsmcutil commands: Required options and examples

The INSTall command installs and configures backup-archive client services.

INSTall Scheduler

Installs and configures the Tivoli® Storage Manager Scheduler Service.

These are the required INSTall command options:

Restriction: Do not specify a clustername of more than 64 characters. If you specify more than 64 characters and you are using Veritas Storage Foundation with High Availability or a Microsoft Cluster Server configuration, you might not be able to install or start the scheduler service.

The /clientdir:client_dir option can also be used, the default is the current directory.

The following files must exist in the directory specified by client_dir:

Note: If the service is being installed on a remote workstation, the fully qualified client directory path should be relative to the target workstation. UNC names are not allowed for the local system account. Multiple services can be installed on the same workstation.
Install a scheduler service that is named TSM Central Scheduler Service on the local workstation. Start the service automatically at system boot time. All required files must reside in the current directory and the client options file must point to the Tivoli Storage Manager server where node ALPHA1 is defined with password nodepw. The server is contacted to verify that the specified node and password are valid. When the password is validated it is generated (encrypted) into the Windows Registry:
  dsmcutil install scheduler /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service" 
  /node:ALPHA1 /password:nodepw /autostart:yes
Install a scheduler service named TSM Central Scheduler Service on remote workstation PDC. Start the service automatically at system boot time. The required scheduler service files and the specified options file must reside on the remote workstation in the c:\tsm\baclient directory. The password is encrypted into the Windows Registry. The Tivoli Storage Manager server is not contacted to validate the password.
  dsmcutil install scheduler /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service"
  /machine:PDC /clientdir:c:\tsm\baclient /optfile:c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt
  /node:PDC /validate:no /autostart:yes 
Install a scheduler service named TSM Central Scheduler Service on remote workstation PDC. Start the service automatically at system boot time. The required scheduler service files and the specified options file must reside on the remote workstation in the c:\tsm\baclient directory. The password is encrypted into the Windows Registry. The Tivoli Storage Manager server residing at the specified TCP/IP host and port is contacted to validate the password.
  dsmcutil install scheduler /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service"
  /machine:PDC /clientdir:c:\tsm\baclient /optfile:c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt
  /node:PDC /autostart:yes /password:nodepassword
  /commmethod:tcpip /
Install the TSM Central Scheduler Service on one node of a MSCS (or VCS) cluster. For group-a from workstation node-1, ensure that node-1 currently owns group-a and then issue the following command.
  dsmcutil install scheduler /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service:
  group-a" /clientdir:c:\tsm\baclient /optfile:q:\tsm\baclient\
  dsm.opt /node:mscs-cluster-group-a /password:n
  /validate:no /autostart:yes /startnow:yes
  /clusternode:yes /clustername:mscs-cluster


Installs and configures the Client Acceptor Service (CAD). Required options are:

Other valid options are:

Install a Client Acceptor Service called TSM CAD. The client acceptor uses a node called test to connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Use the options file c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt to connect to the server.
  dsmcutil install cad /name:"TSM CAD" /node:test
  /password:test /optfile:c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt

INSTall Journal

Installs a journaling engine service on all Windows clients. A journal database is created that stores information the client uses to determine which files are eligible for backup before an operation starts.

If necessary, you can use the nojournal option with the incremental command to specify that you want to perform a traditional full incremental backup.

The journaling engine service is named TSM Journal Service and uses the configuration file tsmjbbd.ini from the backup-archive client installation directory.

Note: The Journal Service is supported in a Microsoft Cluster Server environment. Multiple journal services can be installed by specifying unique pipe names using the JournalPipe journal config setting and client options.

There are no valid options for this command.

Install the journaling engine service (TSM Journal Service).
  dsmcutil install journal                                      


Installs and configures a Remote Client Agent Service. Required options are:

Other valid options are:

Install a Remote Client Agent Service called TSM AGENT. The remote client agent uses a node called test to connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The options file c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt is used to connect to. The partner client acceptor service is TSM CAD.
  dsmcutil install remoteagent /name:"TSM AGENT" /node:test 
  /password:test /optfile:c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt /partnername:
Note: Both the Remote Client Agent Service and the Client Acceptor Service must be installed to run the web client. The Client Acceptor Service must be installed before the Remote Client Agent Service. Use the /partnername: option to specify the name of the partner Client Acceptor Service.

INSTall vmwaretools

Installs and configures the VMware backup tools service. There are no required options.

  dsmcutil install vmwaretools


Remove an installed Client Service. The required option is /name:service_name.

Remove the specified scheduler service from the local workstation.
  dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service"
Remove the journaling engine service (TSM Journal Service) from the local workstation.
  dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Journal Service"

REMove vmwaretools

Remove the VMware backup tools service. There are no required options.

  dsmcutil remove vmwaretools


Updates Scheduler Service registry values. The required option for this command is /name:service_name, and the registry values to update. Other valid options are:

Update the client directory and options file for the specified scheduler service. All required client service files must reside in the specified directory.
Note: The communication options specified with the dsmcutil command here take precedence over those specified in the client options file.
  dsmcutil update /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service" 
  /clientdir:c:\tsmptf3\baclient /optfile:c:\tsmptf3\baclient\dsm.opt
Update the specified scheduler service to use the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a Tivoli Storage Manager server at the specified host name on the specified port.
  dsmcutil update /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service" 
  / /commport:1521 /commmethod:


Updates Client Acceptor Service registry values. The required option for this command is /name:service_name, and the registry values to update. Other valid options are:

Update the Client Acceptor Service to use the specified client password and options file. All required client service files must reside in the specified directory.
  dsmcutil update cad /name:"TSM CAD" /password:test 


Updates Remote Client Agent Service registry values. The required option for this command is /name:service_name, and the registry values to update. Other valid options are:

Update a Remote Client Agent Service called TSM AGENT. The remote client agent service uses a node called test to connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The options file c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt is used to connect to the server. The partner client acceptor service is TSM CAD.
  dsmcutil update remoteagent /name:"TSM AGENT" /node:test 
  /password:test /optfile:c:\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt /partnername:

Query Scheduler

Query Scheduler Service registry values. Required options are: /name:service_name. Other valid options are:

Note: Do not specify a value for the non-required options. The client returns option registry values for the scheduler service you specify.
Query registry settings for the scheduler service you specify.
  dsmcutil query /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service"
Query the client directory registry setting for the scheduler service you specify.
  dsmcutil query /name:"TSM Central Scheduler Service"  

Query CAD

Queries Client Acceptor Service registry values. The required option for this command is /name:service_name. Other valid options are:

Note: Do not specify a value for these options.
Query registry settings for the Client Acceptor Service you specify.
  dsmcutil query cad /name:"TSM CAD"

Query Journal

Query the journaling engine service, TSM Journal Service on a Windows system. There are no valid options for this command.

Query the journaling engine service, TSM Journal Service.
  dsmcutil query journal

Query REMOTEAgent

Queries Remote Client Agent Service registry values. The required option for this command is /name:service_name. Other valid options are:

Note: Do not specify a value for these options.
Query registry settings for the specified Remote Client Agent Service.
  dsmcutil query remoteagent /name:"TSM AGENT"


Lists installed Client Services. There are no required options.

Locate and list the installed backup-archive client services on the local workstation.
  dsmcutil list
List the installed backup-archive client services on remote workstation PDC.
  dsmcutil list /MACHINE:PDC 


Use the Start command to start a client service. The Start command requires the /name:service_name option.

Start the journaling engine service, TSM Journal Service.
  dsmcutil start /name:"TSM Journal Service"


Use the Stop command to stop a client service. The Stop command requires the /name:service_name option.

Stop the journaling engine service, TSM Journal Service.
  dsmcutil stop /name:"TSM Journal Service"


Generate an encrypted Tivoli Storage Manager registry password. The UPDATEPW command requires the /node:node_name and the /password:password options. Optionally, you can use the following options:

The password is validated with the Tivoli Storage Manager server if /validate:Yes is specified. The password is updated on the server if you specify /updateonserver:Yes. If you specify this option, you must specify the current password with the /oldpassword: option.

Update the encrypted registry password for the specified node. Validate and update the password on the specified Tivoli Storage Manager server which resides on the specified TCP/IP hostname and port:
  dsmcutil updatepw /node:alpha1 /commMethod:tcpip
  / /commPort:1500
  /password:newpw /oldpassword:oldpw /updateonserver:yes