MOVE NODEDATA (Move data in file spaces for one or more nodes or a collocation group)

Use this command to move data in file spaces that belong to; one or more nodes, a node collocation group, or a file space collocation group.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted storage privilege, or restricted storage privilege for the source storage pool. If your authorization is restricted storage privilege and you are moving data to another storage pool, you need the appropriate authority for the destination storage pool.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                    V           |                  
>>-MOVe NODEdata--+---node_name-+--------------+---------------->




   .-MAXPRocess--=--1-------------.  .-Wait--=--No------.   
   '-MAXPRocess--=--num_processes-'  '-Wait--=--+-No--+-'   

   .-RECONStruct--=--No or Yes-----.   

  1. The default is NO if either the source or target storage pool is random access. The default is YES if both the source and target storage pools are sequential access.


node_name (Required unless the COLLOCGROUP parameter is specified)
Specifies the node name that is related to the data that is moved with this command. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names.
COLLOCGroup (Required unless the node_name parameter is specified)
Specifies the name of the collocation group whose data is to be moved. Data for all nodes and file spaces that belong to the collocation group are moved.
FROMstgpool (Required)
Specifies the name of a sequential-access storage pool that contains data to be moved. This storage pool must be in the NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
Specifies the name of a storage pool to where the data is moved. This storage pool must be in the NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format. This parameter is optional and does not apply when the source storage pool is a copy storage pool or an active-data pool. That is, if the source storage pool is a copy storage pool the destination must be the same copy storage pool. Similarly, if the source storage pool is an active-data pool, the destination must be the same active-data pool. If a value is not specified, data is moved to other volumes within the source pool.
Important: If you are moving data within the same storage pool, there must be volumes available that do not contain the node data that you are moving. That is, the server cannot use volumes that contain the data to be moved as destination volumes.
Specifies the type of files to be moved. This parameter is optional. The default value is ANY. If the source storage pool is an active-data pool, the only valid values are ANY and BACKUP. However, only the active versions of backup data are moved if TYPE=ANY. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that all types of files are moved.
Specifies that backup files are moved.
Specifies that archive files are moved. This value is not valid for active-data pools.
Specifies that space-managed files (files that were migrated by a Tivoli® Storage Manager for Space Management client) are moved. This value is not valid for active-data pools.
Specifies the maximum number of parallel processes to use for moving data. This parameter is optional. You can specify a value from 1 to 999, inclusive. The default value is 1. Increasing the number of parallel processes usually improves throughput.

When you determine this value, consider the number of logical and physical drives that can be dedicated to this operation. To access a sequential access volume, Tivoli Storage Manager uses a mount point and, if the device type is not FILE, a physical drive. The number of available mount points and drives depends on other Tivoli Storage Manager and system activity. The mount points and drives also depend on the mount limits of the device classes for the sequential access storage pools that are involved in the move. Each process needs a mount point for storage pool volumes, and, if the device type is not FILE, each process also needs a drive.

Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default value is No. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the server processes this command in the background. You can continue with other tasks while the command is being processed.

The server displays messages that are created from the background process either in the activity log or the server console, depending on where messages are logged.

To cancel a background process, use the CANCEL PROCESS command. If a background process is canceled, some files might move before the cancellation.

Specifies that the server processes this command in the foreground. You wait for the command to complete before you can continue with other tasks. The server then displays the output messages to the administrative client when the command completes.
Restriction: You cannot specify WAIT=YES from the server console.
Specifies whether to reconstruct file aggregates during data movement. Reconstruction removes empty space that accumulated during deletion of logical files from an aggregate. This parameter is optional. If both the source and target storage pools are sequential access, the default value is YES. If either the source or target storage pool is random access, the default is NO.
The parameter is not available or is ignored if any of the following conditions are true:
  • The data format is NETAPPDUMP, CELERRADUMP, or NDMPDUMP.
  • The data is in a storage pool that is configured for data deduplication.
  • The target storage pool for the data movement is configured for data deduplication.
Attention: Reconstruction removes inactive backup files in active-data pools. If you specify RECONSTRUCT=NO when you move the data in an active-data pool that is not configured for data deduplication, inactive backup files remain in the storage pool.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that reconstruction of file aggregates are not run during the move.
Specifies that reconstruction of file aggregates are run during the move. You can specify only this option when both the source and the target storage pools are sequential-access.

Move a specific node's data from a tape storage pool to a disk storage pool

Move all data that belongs to node MARY that is stored in storage pool TAPEPOOL. Data can be moved to disk storage pool BACKUPPOOL.
move nodedata mary
 fromstgpool=tapepool tostgpool=backuppool

Move data for a node collocation group from one storage pool to another

Move all data for node collocation group NODEGROUP1 from storage pool SOURCEPOOL to storage pool TARGETPOOL.
move nodedata collocgroup=nodegroup1 fromstgpool=sourcespool tostgpool=targetpool

Move data for a file space collocation group from one storage pool to another

Move all data for file space collocation group FSGROUP1 from storage pool SOURCEPOOL2 to storage pool TARGETPOOL2.
move nodedata collocgroup=fsgroup1 fromstgpool=sourcespool2 tostgpool=targetpool2