IBM System Storage Archive Manager, Version 7.1

Data retention protection

Data retention protection ensures that archive objects are not deleted from the Tivoli® Storage Manager server until policy-based retention requirements for that object are satisfied. It is enforced at the server level by the SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION command.

See the Administrator's Reference for more information.

Retention protection can only be activated on a new server that does not already have stored objects (backup, archive, or space-managed). Activating retention protection applies to all archive objects subsequently stored on that server. After retention protection is set, the server cannot store backup objects, space-managed objects, or backupsets. Retention protection cannot be added for an object that was previously stored on a Tivoli Storage Manager server. After an object is stored with retention protection, retention protection cannot be removed.

Retention protection is based on the retention criterion for each object, which is determined by the RETVER parameter of the archive copy group of the management class to which the object is bound. If an object uses event-based retention, the object does not expire until whatever comes later: either the date the object was archived plus the number of days in the RETMIN parameter or the date the event was signaled plus the number of days specified in the RETVER parameter. On servers that have retention protection enabled, the following operations will not delete objects whose retention criterion is not satisfied:
If your server has data retention protection activated, the following items are restrictions:

The server does not send a retention value to an EMC Centera storage device if retention protection is not enabled. If this is the case, you can use a Centera storage device as a standard device from which archive and backup files can be deleted.
