New and changed functions

This topic summarizes the recent enhancements and changes in IBM Db2 DevOps Experience for z/OS.

V1.1.0.6 (PTF7): March 15, 2020

Description Related APARs
Site rules:
  • Fixed: Incorrect validation messages were displayed when editing site rules created in PTF5.
  • Fixed: Environment deletion was not cascaded to complex site rules.
  • Fixed: The db2complexsiterules.yaml file was incorrectly stored in the var/conf directory.
Db2 support:
  • Fixed: Added support for FL levels lower than 500.
Subsystem registration:
  • Fixed: GOCCM generated during subsystem registration was incorrect.

V1.1.0.6 (PTF6): December 13, 2019

Description Related APARs
Site rules:
  • Extended site rules to all objects
  • Support for complex site rules
Subsystem registration:
  • Added "Copy From" option for registering new subsystems using the definition of an existing subsystem
Application and instance management:
  • API support for provisioning into a specific schema, database, and collection
  • Performance fixes for instance management
  • Fixed: team administrator deprovisioning issues
  • Fixed: failing to provision an instance containing a Java stored procedure with a JAR object in the Db2 catalog
  • Fixed: Not ignoring collid when comparing the DDL of stored procedures
  • Fixed: Allocating datasets as NEW,KEEP could cause errors. Now allocating datasets as NEW,CATLG.
  • Fixed: Added support for providing collid/schema name as input when provisioning an instance
PH19180, PH12677, PH19167, PH19179, PH19160
Security and authorization:
  • Support for CA Top Secret® security manager
  • Support for secondary authorization for dbaUser
  • Enhanced installation script
Job Administration:  
  • Support for open source Zowe as a prerequisite
  • Support for providing a custom HLQ (high level qualifier) for temporary files
  • Fully documented Swagger request JSON
PH19180, PH19110

V1.1.0.5 (PTF5): August 30, 2019

Description Related APARs
Application discovery:
  • Added a “Select All” option for selecting objects while creating an application
  • Added “Expand All” and “Collapse All” options for object selection when creating an application
  • The Application Builder now requires parent applications to have a Db2 Object
Application and Instance Management:
  • Enhanced capabilities for deploying changes into higher level environments (i.e. integration testing, staging, pre-production, production)
  • Created an API to keep track of the number of times an application has been provisioned, by whom, and when
  • Fixed an error in the Swagger documentation of the POST body that was causing an internal server error
PH15869, PH16034
DDL management:
  • Editing DDL and adding objects are now prohibited after a pull request is issued against an instance
  • New objects do not appear in the difference section after the pull request is approved and merged.
PH15869, PH16036
  • Added support for CSRF_SWITCH in z/OSMF
  • Made API changes to support secondary authorization for dbaUser
  • Created a sample JCL procedure to start the server
  • Made all SMP/E-managed directories read-only and all user-managed directories read/write
  • The setup wizard now recognizes the lower cased “dbaUser”
  • Users only enter a port number in one location now, instead of two, to prevent problems that arose when users did not enter the same port number in each location.
PH15869, PH16035
Job Administration:
  • You can now configure a prefix for submitted jobs
  • Added site rules for missing data types and storage groups
  • Added support for subsystem location names with more than 8 characters or underscores (_).
  • Stopped unnecessary regeneration of the DDL on application color change
  • Resolved the "Error searching Db2 objects" that occurred when searching for table spaces
  • Resolved a problem that caused the DOE Server to stop and leave objects in uncertain states
  • Resolved a problem with SYSAFF discovery and validation
PH15869, PH15925, PH12365, PH09306

V1.1.0.4 (PTF4): July 3, 2019

Description Related APARs
Application discovery:
  • When you create an application and select an object, its child objects are selected automatically.
  • You cannot add implicit sequences to applications.
Application and Instance Management:
  • Fixed an issue handling user instance limits when working with multiple environments.
  • The Admin team can now access the Manage tab.
  • You can search for teams while provisioning instances.
  • The Admin team can de-provision team instances.
  • You can no longer include cast functions in application definitions.
  • Added support for applying site rules to databases, tablespaces, tables, indices, and stored procedures.
  • Added API support to allow deployment of an application's master DDL to a target subsystem.
  • Fixed issues with /policy/pull-requests POST API where lower case reviewer names generated an error and required manually removing the related yaml file and restarting the DOE server. The API now converts reviewer names to upper case, and makes sure that reviewers are on a team associated with the pull-request application.
  • Fixed an issue with the swagger.json API document where the __yamlClass in the requiredApps section of the /policy/applications POST API did not display clearly.
PH12194, PH09308
DDL management:
  • Fixed an issue where, when you edited DDL in a provisioned instance and the browser session times out, after refreshing the screen the Apply object changes button was incorrectly grayed out.
  • On the "Edit DDL & SQL" page, the Revert and Revert All buttons are disabled by default.
PH13718, PH09302
  • Added a field to the DevOps set up wizard for users to enter a name for a data set that will contain artifacts created when a DevOps user registers a Db2 subsystem. The value is stored in an editable cmBatchDsn parameter in the configuration.yaml file.
  • Added four ISPF library parameters to the configuration.yaml file. Previously, these values were hard-coded. In configuration.yaml, they are editable.
Pull requests:
  • Fixed issue where the IDs of de-provisioned instances were displaying in the Past Activity UI.
PH13718, PH12194
Cosmetic changes:
  • Fixed a UI issue with overlapping objects in the "Edit DDL & SQL" page.
  • Improved the Db2 Set Up wizard field labels and hover help.
  • In the appendix, added a JCL script that you can run to configure DevOps security.
  • In a new Granting catalog and bufferpool access topic, added a DCL script that you can run to grant to PUBLIC the use of all bufferpools and also SELECT access on Db2 catalog tables (except SYSIBM.USERNAMES). This is required before you install DevOps.
  • Simplified and clarified some installation topics.
  • In the DevOps installation topic, clarified when and how the user should restart Zowe during installation.
  • In the DevOps installation topic, clarified how to specify values for DOE_HOME and LIB_DIR in the file.

V1.1.0.3 (PTF3): May 14, 2019

Description Related APARs
Application discovery:
  • Added views, synonyms, aliases, stored procedures, functions, and triggers to the list of object types you can add to applications.
  • Added a feature in the object discovery UI to exclude dependent objects. By default, when you select objects their dependent objects are included in the application.
  • Fixed an issue with searching for objects using the underscore(_) wildcard.
Application and Instance Management:
  • Fixed an issue with objects that were added to an instance and then merged not propagating to other instances of the application after a pull.
  • Fixed issue with merge conflicts occurring when creating application instances after new objects were added to the application.
  • Fixed an issue with provisioning instances with source data if a table in the application name contained an underscore(_).
  • Fixed an issue with creating applications containing system temporal tables.
  • Fixed an issue with creating applications containing archive tables.
  • Fixed an issue with UDF type objects that were added to an instance and then merged not propagating to other instances of the application after a pull.
  • Fixed an issue with creating applications containing large objects (LOBs).
  • Fixed an issue with creating applications during DDL generation.
PH11593, PH11598
DDL management:
  • Only members of an application's owning team can modify its instance DDLs. (All users can still provision instances and view instance DDLs.)
  • Fixed an issue with storing auxiliary table DDLs in two places.
  • Fixed an issue with DDL changes not reverting after an attempt to apply object changes failed.
Support update:
  • Support for Db2v12 function level 504
Cosmetic changes:
  • Fixed an issue with search on the Instances page being case-sensitive. It is no longer case-sensitive.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Required Applications" dropdown field displaying incorrectly in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue with allowing users to type lower-case characters in subsystem registration page fields that should only allow upper-case values.
Documentation: None

V1.1.0.2 (PTF2): April 3, 2019

Description Related APARs
Application discovery:
  • Re-factored application discovery functionality for enhanced performance and usability.
  • Redesigned the graph display and selection mechanism with a tabular format populated from user-specified search criteria.
  • Users can select individual objects and add them to a list of objects to be included in an application.
  • Upon submission, the system automatically adds any required object(s) to ensure the application definition is valid.
  • Objects that depend upon selected objects are also automatically added.
Site rules:
  • Optionally, site rules can now be applied to future applications by default.
  • Fixed an issue with the “INDEX UNIQUE must_be_absent/present” rule.
DDL management:
  • Made cosmetic usability enhancement and minor content corrections to the DDL Diff page.
  • Fixed an issue with adding objects to existing applications.
  • Fixed an issue with the state of the "Apply these DDL changes" button.
  • Fixed an issue with nested views when generating DDL.
  • Fixed an issue with aliases when generating DDL.
  • Fixed issues with the DDL Change Report content.
Application and instance management:
  • Users can now refresh page content for Application Management and Instance Management.
  • Fixed issues with application deprovisioning.
  • Fixed an issue with provisioning applications without a database or tablespace.
  • Fixed an issue with stored procedure qualifiers during instance provisioning.
Pull request management:
  • Fixed an issue with the list of pull requests to approve.
  • Fixed a problem with viewing stored procedure changes in pull requests.
Cosmetic changes:
  • Enhanced hover behavior to ensure all data is visible.
  • Fixed the application tile header color behavior.
  • Fixed selected application highlight behavior.
  • Fixed the position of the status bar.
User and team management:
  • Fixed a performance issue with the user and team management pages.
  • Improved Swagger documentation.
PH09303, PH09304, PH09308