IBM Db2 Event Store Online Analytic Processing API guide

This topic covers the main operations that are included in the online analytic processing (OLAP) API, such as running queries against the IBM® Db2® Event Store database by using Spark SQL. This topic also provides examples written for the Scala client interface and the Python client interface.

This reference is written for IBM Db2 Event Store Developer Edition and IBM Db2 Event Store Enterprise Edition users.

For guidance on connecting to IBM Db2 Event Store, see the IBM Db2 Event Store ConfigurationReader API guide.

For guidance on inserting data into IBM Db2 Event Store, see the IBM Db2 Event Store Define and Ingest API guide.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are familiar with the limitations and known issues for your IBM Db2 Event Store edition before you develop a client application:

The interface for querying data in IBM Db2 Event Store is exposed as the EventSession instance.

To use the EventSession class, you must import the package into your application.


Create a session to run queries in IBM Db2 Event Store

To run Spark SQL queries, you must set up a Db2 Event Store Spark session.

The EventSession class extends the optimizer of the SparkSession class by enabling the optimizer to:

  • Handle IBM Db2 Event Store tables.
  • Route subplan execution to the IBM Db2 Event Store engine.
  • Return rows from these IBM Db2 Event Store subplans to be processed by the rest of the plan executed by the Spark SQL query
class EventSession (
     sc: SparkContext,
     val dbName: String)
The SparkContext reference (the Spark context used in Spark).
The name of the IBM Db2 Event Store database that you are connecting to.
Note: The database name is always case insensitive and only the first 8 characters are used following the same properties and DB2 database allowed names.
from eventstore.sql import EventSession
from eventstore.common import ConfigurationReader
sparkSession = SparkSession.builder.appName("EventStore in Python").getOrCreate()
eventSession = EventSession(sparkSession.sparkContext, "EVENTDB")
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
     .appName("EventStore OLAP Test")

val esSession = new EventSession(sparkSession.sparkContext, "EventDB")

Open an existing database

You must open the database before you can use it. To open an existing database in an IBM Db2 Event Store session, use the openDatabase method on the EventSession class.


This operation creates a connection to the IBM Db2 Event Store system and opens the database that you specified when you created the Db2 Event Store Spark session.


Load a table and get the DataFrame reference

The loadEventTable method provides the DataFrame reference for the specified table in IBM Db2 Event Store.

You can use the DataFrame reference to define a temporary view by using the table.createOrReplaceTempView method. You can then use the view name in Spark SQL statements to manipulate, use, and retrieve rows from a query.

EventSession.loadEventTable(table: String, tableSchema: String): DataFrame 
The name of a table in the IBM Db2 Event Store database.
tableSchema [optional]
The Schema name qualifier for the table that exists in the catalogs. If this parameter is not used then it defaults to what was used in ConfigurationReader.setEventSchema(schemaName:String), and if that was not set, the default schema name defaults to the userid (that is, the one used in ConfigurationReader.setEventUser).

If the table name and tableSchema are not delimited with single quotes then the strings are considered to be case insensitive. If a string for table or for tableSchema is delimited by single quotes then the string is case sensitive. For example, if the table name used is: "'Table1Name'", then the case of the name is not changed.

Overall in all of the client APIs for OLAP and OLTP for table names, table schemas, column names, and index names, you can use single quoted strings to keep identifiers as case sensitive.

The database name is always case insensitive.

The DataFrame reference for the IBM Db2 Event Store database.
table = eventSession.load_event_table("ReviewTable")
val table = esSession.loadEventTable("ReviewTable")

Specify what data queries are run against

To quickly ingest large amounts of data, IBM Db2 Event Store writes data to a log before it is persisted to the shared storage (where data is available to external query engines). When data is transitioned from the log to the shared storage, an index is created and duplicate data is removed.

After all data in the log file has been written to the shared storage, IBM Db2 Event Store can return a consistent snapshot of the data. However, if you are running a query on data as it is added, the consistent snapshot might not reflect the most up-to-date data.

To strike a balance between returning data immediately and returning a consistent snapshot of the data, you can specify the isolation level that you want to run the query against. By default, IBM Db2 Event Store runs queries against the SnapshotAny isolation level. The isolation level that you specify is used for the remainder of the session or until you specify a different value for the session.

Specify one of the following constant string values.
This is the default value.

This value returns the most recent consistent snapshot in the shared storage without waiting for all of the data in the log to be persisted to the shared storage.

This snapshot might not include the most up-to-date data if there is still data in the log that needs to be persisted to the shared storage.

Note: SnapshotAny is translated to the JDBC isolation elev of TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED.
from eventstore.sql import EventSession
eventSession = EventSession(sparkSession.sparkContext, "EVENTDB")
val esSession = new EventSession(sparkSession.sparkContext, "EventDB")

Run an SQL query against IBM Db2 Event Store using Spark SQL

After you open the database and load the relevant table, you can run a Spark SQL query.


If you need a table's column identifiers to be case sensitive, then in the Spark SQL query string delimit the column identifiers with single quotes. For example, select * from ReviewTable where 'ColumnId' = 5.

query = "SELECT * FROM ReviewTable"
result = eventSession.sql(query)
val results = esSession.sql("select * from ReviewTable")