DFHSNET—generating the node error table

The DFHSNET macro is used to generate a node error table. Each node error table that you generate must be defined to CICS®.

specifies the identifier to be included in the NET header. It must be a string of one through eight characters. This operand is optional, and the default is DFHNET.
specifies the error count threshold that is to be stored in the NET header for use by the common subroutines to update standard ESBs. If the threshold is exceeded, the error processor that invoked the subroutine is informed by a return code. The maximum value is 32␠767. This operand is optional, and the default is 100.
specifies the ESB structure for each NEB. This operand is coded as a sublist. Each element of the sublist comprises two values: “index” specifies an error group index for which an ESB is to be included in the NEB; “length” specifies the status area length, in bytes, for that ESB. The parentheses can be omitted for a single element. The “index” must be specified as a 2-character representation of a 1-byte hexadecimal number in the range X'01' through X'FF' (a leading 0 can be omitted). The “length” is constrained only because an 8-byte NEB header plus a 4-byte header for each ESB must be contained within the maximum NEB length of 32␠767 bytes. If a null value is specified, a standard ESB with a status area length of 10 bytes is assumed. This is suitable for use by the common subroutines in maintaining a time-stamped error count.

This operand is optional and defaults to 1. This causes each NEB to be generated with one ESB for error group 1 with a status area length of 6 bytes.

specifies the names of nodes that are to have a permanently assigned NEB. The names specified are assigned, in the order specified, to the set of NEBs requested by the NEBS operand. Any remaining NEBs are available for dynamic allocation to other nodes as errors occur. The name must be a string of 1 through 4 characters. The parentheses can be omitted for a single name. This operand is optional and has no default.
specifies the number of NEBs required in the NET. The maximum valid number is 32␠767; the default is 10.
specifies the time interval that is to be stored in the NET header for use by the common subroutines to maintain error counts in standard ESBs. If the threshold specified in the COUNT operand is not exceeded before this time interval elapses, the error count is reset to 0. Specify “units” as SEC, MIN, or HRS. The maximum values for “interval” are as follows: (86400,SEC), (1440,MIN), or (24,HRS). This operand is optional, and the default is set to (7,MIN).