Updating the project build path

How to update the project build path.

About this task

Using a Dynamic Web Project creates a WAR file archive for deployment. This does not use the OSGi framework in Eclipse so you need to add third party JAR files to the project build path. This example uses IBM® MQ JAR files.


  1. In Eclipse select the web project and right-click Build Path > Configure Build Path. This will display the Java Build Path window.
  2. Add the CICS and Liberty libraries, click Add Library > Liberty JVM server > Next > Finish.
  3. Click Add External JARs and navigate to the directory where the previously downloaded IBM MQ JAR files are located. Select the following JAR files depending on which imports are used in the applications:
    • com.ibm.mq.jar
    • com.ibm.mq.jmql.jar
    • com.ibm.mq.headers.jar
    Note: Step 3 is optional if you are using IBM MQ only.


The build path of the project now has the correct interfaces for development of a web application using both CICS and IBM MQ APIs.