Deploying common libraries to a Liberty JVM server

Deploy the common libraries according to whether it is supplied as DLL files, JAR files or OSGi bundles.


  • For common libraries supplied as DLL files, copy the files to a directory that is referred to by the LIBPATH_SUFFIX option of the JVM profile.

    For more information about LIBPATH_PREFIX and LIBPATH_SUFFIX, see Symbols used in the JVM profile.

  • For common libraries supplied as OSGi bundle JAR files, copy the JAR files to a directory that is referred to in a bundleRepository definition in the server.xml file.

    For more information, see Bundle repository in Manually tailoring server.xml.

  • For common libraries supplied as JAR files but not OSGi bundles, copy the JAR files to a directory that is referred to in a global library definition in the server.xml file.

    For more information, see Global/shared library in Manually tailoring server.xml.