Restarting the MVS logger address space

Before you begin

About this task

If the MVS logger address space has failed, you can restart it as follows:


  1. Use the command S IXGLOGRS.
    Note the S at the end. IXGLOGRS restarts IXGLOGR as a system address space.
  2. After the MVS logger has restarted, restart all the CICS regions.


What to do next

If you forcibly cancel the MVS logger address space (by issuing a FORCE IXGLOGR,ARM command) or coupling facility structures used by the MVS logger (by issuing a SETXCF FORCE,CON,STRNAME=structname,CONNAME=ALL command), there is a risk of corruption in the CICS system logs. If the system log is corrupted, CICS issues a message telling you that you need to perform an initial start. Data integrity will be compromised because of the loss of log data required for consistency.