Data tables sample exit program: DFH$DTLC

DFH$DTLC is a sample XDTLC global user exit program. It demonstrates the use of the XDTLC user exit for shared data tables. Copybook DFHXDTDS defines the data tables user exit parameter list that is used in the sample.

About DFH$DTLC - Sample XDTLC global user exit program

This program is intended to demonstrate the use of the data tables user exit XDTLC. The program rejects a data table if its load completes with errors. It will be invoked, if enabled, when the load of a data table has completed.

This global user exit program is intended for use in the following situations:

  1. On CICS systems that have only the original data table support (that is, before shared data tables)
  2. On CICS systems that have shared data table support
  3. On CICS systems that have shared date table support and coupling facility data table support

Flags are passed in the data tables parameter list, which can be used to determine whether the exit has been invoked from a system that supports shared data tables or coupling facility data tables.

The program will issue a user trace entry if tracing is enabled. You can check the setting of the load completion indicator. If it shows that loading failed to complete successfully, the exit program will set a return code that rejects the table by requesting that it be closed.

The trace flag passed to the exit is set ON if File Control (FC) level 1 tracing is enabled.

Note: This program is intended only to demonstrate the use of the data tables user exit XDTLC and to show the sort of information that can be obtained from the exit parameter list. The sample program should be tailored before it is used in a production environment.

Prerequisites for DFH$DTLC

Figure 1. Sample XDTLC user exit program
         TITLE 'DFH$DTLC - Sample XDTLC Global User Exit Program'
*                                                                     *
*   MODULE NAME = DFH$DTLC                                            *
*                                                                     *
* DESCRIPTIVE NAME = %PRODUCT Data Tables Sample XDTLC Exit           *
*                                                                     *
* STATUS = %JUP0                                                      *
*                                                                     *
* FUNCTION =                                                          *
*        Sample Global User Exit Program to run at the XDTLC exit     *
*                                                                     *
*   The program rejects a data table if its load did not complete OK. *
*                                                                     *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *
*   NOTE that this program is only intended to DEMONSTRATE the use    *
*   of the data tables user exit XDTLC, and to show the sort of       *
*   information which can be obtained from the exit parameter list.   *
*   If this program is modified to accept a load that has failed      *
*   or reject a load that has been successful, it is the              *
*   responsibility of the program to issue a message indicating       *
*   what has happened. Any message output by CICS File Control will   *
*   only reflect what happened before modification of return codes    *
*   by the exit program.                                              *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *
*                                                                     *
*   This global user exit program will be invoked, if enabled, when   *
*   the load of a data table has completed.                           *
*                                                                     *
*   The program is intended for use in the following situations :     *
*                                                                     *
*   (1) on CICS systems that have only the original data table        *
*       support (ie.before shared data tables)                        *
*   (2) on CICS systems that have shared data table support           *
*   (3) on CICS systems that have shared date table support AND       *
*       coupling facility data table support                          *
*                                                                     *
*   Flags are passed in the data tables parameter list which may      *
*   be used to determine whether the exit has been invoked from       *
*   a system which supports shared data tables or coupling facility   *
*   data tables.                                                      *
*                                                                     *
*   The program will issue a user trace entry if tracing is enabled,  *
*   then check the setting of the load completion indicator.          *
*   If this shows that loading failed to complete successfully, then  *
*   the exit program will set a return code that rejects the table    *
*   by requesting that it be closed.                                  *
*                                                                     *
*   The trace flag passed to the exit is set ON if File Control (FC)  *
*   level 1 tracing is enabled.                                       *
*                                                                     *
* NOTES :                                                             *
*    DEPENDENCIES = S/390                                             *
*          DFH$DTLC, or an exit program which is based on this        *
*          sample, must be defined on the CSD as a program            *
*          (with DATALOCATION(ANY)).                                  *
*    RESTRICTIONS =                                                   *
*          This program is designed to run on CICS/ESA 3.3 or later   *
*          release.  It requires the DFHXDTDS copybook to be          *
*          available at assembly time.                                *
*    REGISTER CONVENTIONS = see code                                  *
*    MODULE TYPE = Executable                                         *
*    PROCESSOR = Assembler                                            *
*    ATTRIBUTES = Read only, AMODE 31, RMODE ANY                      *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
* ENTRY POINT = DFH$DTLC                                              *
*                                                                     *
*     PURPOSE =                                                       *
*         Described above                                             *
*                                                                     *
*     LINKAGE =                                                       *
*         Called by the user exit handler                             *
*                                                                     *
*     INPUT =                                                         *
*         Standard user exit parameter list DFHUEPAR,                 *
*          addressed by R1 and containing a pointer to the            *
*          Data Tables parameter list                                 *
*                                                                     *
*     OUTPUT =                                                        *
*         Return code placed in R15                                   *
*                                                                     *
*     EXIT-NORMAL =                                                   *
*         Return code in R15 can be                                   *
*         UERCDTOK = accept table                                     *
*         UERCDTCL = reject table (close it)                          *
*                                                                     *
*     EXIT-ERROR =                                                    *
*         None                                                        *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
* EXTERNAL REFERENCES :                                               *
*     ROUTINES = None                                                 *
*     DATA AREAS = None                                               *
*     CONTROL BLOCKS =                                                *
*         User Exit Parameter list for XDTLC: DFHUEPAR                *
*         Data Tables User Exit Parameter List: DT_UE_PLIST           *
*     GLOBAL VARIABLES = None                                         *
*                                                                     *
* TABLES = None                                                       *
*                                                                     *
* MACROS =                                                            *
*         DFHUEXIT to generate the standard user exit parameter list  *
*                  with the extensions for the XDTLC exit point       *
*         DFHUEXIT to declare the XPI (exit programming interface)    *
*         DFHTRPTX XPI call to issue a user trace entry               *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
* DESCRIPTION of the program structure:                               *
*                                                                     *
*    1) Standard entry code for a global user exit that uses the XPI: *
*         The program sets up any definitions required, then saves    *
*         the caller's registers, establishes addressability, and     *
*         addresses the parameter lists.                              *
*    2) Tracing (only executed if FC level 1 tracing is enabled):     *
*         The program tests whether it was invoked from shared data   *
*         table code.  If so, it issues a user trace point X'0126'    *
*         including fields from the data table parameter list which   *
*         are only supplied by shared data table support or           *
*         coupling facility data table support.  If not, it           *
*         issues a X'0116' trace point, containing parameters which   *
*         are supplied by any level of data table support.            *
*    3) Choosing whether to accept the table:                         *
*         The program tests the return code from the load.  If the    *
*         load failed to complete, then it sets UERCDTCL in R15,      *
*         which requests that the table should be closed.  If the     *
*         load completed successfully, then it sets UERCDTOK in R15   *
*         to keep the table open.                                     *
*    4) Standard exit code for a global user exit that uses the XPI:  *
*         Restore users registers, and return to the address that was *
*         in R14 when the exit program was called.                    *
*                                                                     *
         EJECT ,
         DFHUEXIT TYPE=EP,ID=XDTLC  standard UE parameters for XDTLC
         DFHUEXIT TYPE=XPIENV       exit programming interface (XPI)
         EJECT ,
         COPY  DFHXDTDS             Additional data table UE params
         EJECT ,
         COPY  DFHTRPTY             Trace definitions
         EJECT ,
*  Register usage :                                                   *
*  R0 -                                                               *
*  R1 - address of DFHUEPAR on input, and used by XPI calls           *
*  R2 - address of standard user exit plist, DFHUEPAR                 *
*  R3 -                                                               *
*  R4 - address of source data set name                               *
*  R5 - address of storage for XPI parameters                         *
*  R6 - address of data tables parameter list, DT_UE_PLIST            *
*  R7 - address of the trace flag, UEPTRACE                           *
*  R8 - address of data table name                                    *
*  R9 - address of loading completion indicator, UEPDTORC             *
*  R10-                                                               *
*  R11- base register                                                 *
*  R12- address of data table flags byte, UEPDTFLG                    *
*  R13- address of kernel stack before XPI calls                    *
*  R14- used by XPI calls                                             *
*  R15- return code, and used by XPI calls                            *
*  (The register equates are declared by the DFHUEXIT call above)     *
         SPACE 2
         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)     Save caller's registers
         LR    R11,R15             Establish base
         USING DFH$DTLC,R11
         LR    R2,R1               Address standard parameters
         L     R6,UEPDTPL          Address data table parameters
         SPACE 1
         LA    R8,UEPDTNAM         Address data table name
         LA    R9,UEPDTORC         Address load return code
*        Issue Trace (if tracing is enabled)                          *
         L     R7,UEPTRACE         Get trace flag address
         TM    0(R7),UEPTRON       Is trace on?
         BZ    CHOOSE              Skip tracing if not
* Test whether the exit was invoked from shared data tables support   *
* or coupling facility data table support                             *
         TM    UEPDTFLG,UEPDTSDT   Were we invoked from SDT?
         BO    SDTCFDT             Branch if yes
         TM    UEPDTFLG,UEPDTCFT   or coupling facility data tables?
         BZ    NOTSDT              Branch to non-SDT and non coupling
*                                  facility data table code if not
         EJECT ,
*        Exit has been invoked from SDT or coupling facility data     *
*        tables                                                       *
         L     R5,UEPXSTOR         Set up XPI trace call
         L     R13,UEPSTACK
* Trace data table name, load return code, source dsname, and flags.  *
* The last two fields are only meaningful for SDT support or          *
* coupling facility data table support.
         LA    R4,UEPDTDSN         Get source data set name
         LA    R12,UEPDTFLG        Get data table flags
         DFHTRPTX CALL,                                                *
               CLEAR,                                                  *
               IN,                                                     *
               FUNCTION(TRACE_PUT),                                    *
               POINT_ID(LCTRACE2),                                     *
               DATA1((R8),8),                                          *
               DATA2((R9),1),                                          *
               DATA3((R4),UEPDTDSL),                                   *
               DATA4((R12),1),                                         *
               OUT,                                                    *
               RESPONSE(*),                                            *
         B     CHOOSE              Go and test if load completed OK
         EJECT ,
*        Exit has not been invoked from SDT or coupling facility      *
*        data tables                                                  *
NOTSDT   L     R5,UEPXSTOR         Set up XPI trace call
         L     R13,UEPSTACK
* Trace data table name and load return code                          *
         DFHTRPTX CALL,                                                *
               CLEAR,                                                  *
               IN,                                                     *
               FUNCTION(TRACE_PUT),                                    *
               POINT_ID(LCTRACE1),                                     *
               DATA1((R8),8),                                          *
               DATA2((R9),1),                                          *
               OUT,                                                    *
               RESPONSE(*),                                            *
         EJECT ,
*        If load completed successfully, then keep table open         *
*        If not, ask for it to be closed                              *
         CLI   0(R9),UEPDTLFL      Did load fail?
         BNE   LOADOK
         LA    R15,UERCDTCL        Set RC for table to be closed
         B     GLUEND
LOADOK   LA    R15,UERCDTOK        Set RC to keep table
         SPACE 3
GLUEND   DS    0H                  Standard GLUE exit code
         L     R13,UEPEPSA
         L     R14,12(R13)
         LM    R0,R12,20(R13)
         BR    R14
         SPACE 2
* Constant Declarations                                               *
LCTRACE1 DC    XL2'116'
LCTRACE2 DC    XL2'126'
         SPACE 1
         END   DFH$DTLC

Extending DFH$DTLC

This program can be modified to accept a load that has failed, or reject a load that has been successful. Note that it is the responsibility of the program to issue a message indicating what has happened. Any message output by CICS File Control will only reflect what happened before modification of return codes by the exit program.