Log manager domain sample exit program: DFH$LGLS

DFH$LGLS is a sample global user exit program for the XLGSTRM exit point. It shows you how to change parameters such as the model log stream name that is used by the MVS™ system logger when it creates a new log stream dynamically.


DFH$LGLS shows you how to access and change some of the parameters that are passed to an XLGSTRM exit program.

Specifically, the program performs the following processing:

  • Changes the model log stream name pointed to by the UEPMLSN exit-specific parameter.
  • Uses the IXGINVNT macro to change the value of the HIGHOFFLOAD parameter in the log stream definition parameter list pointed to by the UEPIXG exit-specific parameter.

Prerequisites for DFH$LGLS

To run the sample program “as is”, you must first create a model log stream called CICSAD01.DEPT0001.MODEL100. However, you will probably want to tailor the sample to suit your own environment. The code contains comments to help you do this.