DFHMP3007 date time applid Task trannum(tranid) for operation init_operation of application init_application, version init_applversion on platform init_platform has exceeded a policy threshold. BundleId=bundleid, PolicyName=policyname, RuleName=rulename, RuleType=ruletype, Category=category, Threshold=threshold (Value=value, Unit=unit), CurrentCount=currentcount.


The threshold specified for rule rulename of policy policyname defined in bundle bundleid and deployed with application init_application, version init_applversion on platform init_platform has been exceeded by task tranum. The rule of type ruletype and category category specifies a threshold value of threshold. The threshold was specified in the policy with a value of value and unit unit. The current value of the count for this rule is currentcount.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Use the information in the message to determine whether the identified task is using excessive CICS resources, and take the appropriate action, for example, purge the task. If this message occurs too frequently consider increasing the threshold in the named policy.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. trannum
  5. tranid
  6. init_operation
  7. init_application
  8. init_applversion
  9. init_platform
  10. bundleid
  11. policyname
  12. rulename
  13. ruletype
  14. category
  15. threshold
  16. value
  17. unit
  18. currentcount
