WebSphere MQ monitors - MQMON

The Websphere MQ monitor (MQMON) views display status information and statistics for a WebSphere MQ Monitor defined in the CICS region.

Supplied views

To access from the main menu, click:

CICS operations views > DB2, DBCTL and WebSphere MQ operations views > WebSphere MQ monitors

Table 1. Views in the supplied WebSphere MQ monitor (MQMON) view set
View Notes
WebSphere MQ monitor


Statistics for WebSphere MQ API calls, by individual command.
WebSphere MQ monitor


Overview information about the WebSphere MQ Monitor for the selected CICS region.
WebSphere MQ monitor


Set attributes according to values specified in input fields
WebSphere MQ monitor


Tabular information about WebSphere MQ Monitors for CICS regions.


Table 2. Actions available for MQMON views
Action Description
SET Set attributes according to values specified in input fields


Table 3. Fields in MQMON views
Field Attribute name Description
Autostart status AUTOSTATUS Specifies if the queue monitoring transaction is to be automatically started when the connection to the MQ Queue manager is established.
BAS resource definition version BASDEFINEVER The BAS version number of this definition.
Last modification agent CHANGEAGENT The change agent identifier that made the last modification.
  • CSDAPI - The resource was last changed by a CEDA transaction, by the programmable interface to DFHEDAP or by an EXEC CICS CSD command.
  • CSDBATCH - The resource was last changed by a DFHCSDUP job.
  • DREPAPI - The resource was last changed by a CICSPlex SM BAS API command.
  • DREPBATCH - The resource was last changed by a CICSPlex SM utility.
  • CREATESPI - The resource was last changed by an EXEC CICS CREATE command.
  • NOTAPPLIC - This is not applicable for this resource.
  • AUTOINSTALL - The resource was last autoinstalled.
  • DYNAMIC - The resource was last changed as a result of the installation of a MQCONN with INITQNAME specified.
Last modification agent release CHANGEAGREL The CICS release level of the agent that made the last modification to the resource definition.
Last modification time CHANGETIME The local date and time when the definition was last changed.
Last modification user ID CHANGEUSRID The user ID that made the last modification to the resource definition.
Source of the resource definition DEFINESOURCE The source of the definition, depending on which agent made the last change.
Creation time DEFINETIME The local date and time when the resource definition record was created on DFHCSD or EYUDREP.
Enabled status ENABLESTATUS The enabled / disabled status of the MQMonitor.
Installation agent INSTALLAGENT The install agent identifier that made the installation.
  • CSDAPI - The resource was installed by a CEDA transaction, by the programmable interface to DFHEDAP or by an EXEC CICS CSD command.
  • CREATESPI - The resource was installed by an EXEC CICS CREATE command.
  • GRPLIST - The resource was installed by GRPLIST INSTALL.
  • DYNAMIC - The resource was installed as a result of the installation of a MQCONN with INITQNAME specified.
Installation time INSTALLTIME The local date and time when the definition was installed.
Installation user ID INSTALLUSRID The user ID that installed the resource definition.
Monitor data MONDATA Data to be passed to the transaction monitoring the MQ queue. For user written MQMONITORs this data is prefixed as follows :
  • Left chevron
  • MQ monitor resource name
  • Target userid
  • Right chevron
Monitor status MONSTATUS The current activity status of the MQMonitor.
Monitor userid MONUSERID Userid to be used by the task monitoring the MQ queue.
GMT start time MQRGMTSTART The GMT date and time when the CICS MQ monitor started.
GMT stop time MQRGMTSTOP The GMT date and time when the CICS MQ monitor stopped.
Local start time MQRLCLSTART The local date and time when the CICS MQ monitor started.
Local stop time MQRLCLSTOP The local date and time when the CICS MQ monitor stopped.
MQ queue name MQRQNAME The name of the WebSphere MQ queue.
Number of backout units of work MQRTBACKUOW The total number of UOWs on the connection which were resolved by a backout.
Number of MQCLOSE requests MQRTCLOSE The total number of times the MQCLOSE command was issued.
Number of committed units of work MQRTCOMMUOW The total number of UOWs on the connection which were resolved by a commit.
Number of MQGET requests MQRTGET The total number of times the MQGET command was issued.
Number of MQGET with wait requests MQRTGETWAIT The total number of times the MQGET command was issued with the MQGMO_WAIT option.
Number of MQINQ requests MQRTINQ The total number of times the MQINQ command was issued.
Number of MQINQL requests MQRTINQL The total number of times the MQINQL command was issued.
Number of MQOPEN requests MQRTOPEN The total number of times the MQOPEN command was issued.
Number of other MQ calls MQRTOTHER The total number of other MQ calls.
Number of MQPUT requests MQRTPUT The total number of times the MQPUT command was issued.
Number of MQPUT1 requests MQRTPUT1 The total number of times the MQPUT1 command was issued.
Number of MQSET requests MQRTSET The total number of times the MQSET command was issued.
MQ monitor resource name NAME The name of the WebSphere MQ monitor resource.
MQ queue name QNAME The name of the WebSphere MQ queue that is being monitored.
Task number TASKID Task number of the task monitoring the MQ queue.
Monitor transaction TRANSACTION Transaction used by the task monitoring the MQ queue.
Target userid USERID Userid to be used by the task started by the MQ monitoring task when no userid has been supplied by the application.