Setting up EXCI for static routing

You can statically route requests to CICS programs from applications that use the EXCI.

Before you begin

Before you begin, verify that the MVS parameter Maxmember is set to a high value. This parameter controls how many connections can be made to the DFHIRP00 resource.


  1. Add RDO group EXCIXXXX to the grouplist of the CICS region. If EXCIXXXX is not available, make a copy from the supplied DFH$EXCI RDO group.
    This group contains all connections required for EXCI functions and can support up to 100 connections for batch requests.
  2. Add the RDO group for the application to the grouplist of the CICS region.
  3. Assemble DFHXCOPT into the SDFHEXCI load library. Ensure that DFHXCOPT has SURROGATE=YES.
  4. Assemble and compile your application programs.
    If your application program is written in Assembler, use the linkage editor parameters AMODE(31) and RMODE(ANY). Link the program into your application load library.
  5. Configure the batch JCL to run your application program.
    1. Edit the JCL to specify to which CICS region the batch program will send the EXCI request:
      //step0010 EXEC PGM=program,PARM='applid,userid'
      applid is the CICS region and userid is a RACF user ID.
    2. Ensure your load library is concatenated as follows:
      //STELIB DD Disp=shr,Dsn=SYS5C.CICn.CICS710.SDFHEXCI
      //DD Disp=shr,Dsn=Your.application.loadlib
  6. Run the batch program and check that the results are as expected.