Translating, assembling, and link-editing assembler language application programs

You can use the DFHEITAL or DFHEXTAL procedure to translate, assemble, and link-edit AMODE(24) and AMODE(31) application programs written in assembler language. You can use the DFHEGTAL procedure to translate, assemble, and link-edit AMODE(64) application programs written in assembler language.

About this task

You can use the sample job control statements shown in Figure 1 to process application programs written in assembler language. In the procedure name, x depends on whether your programs are CICS® application programs and the AMODE of those programs, or EXCI batch programs. For the names of the CICS-supplied procedures, see Using the CICS-supplied procedures to install application programs.

Figure 1. Sample job control statements to call the DFHExTAL procedures

//jobname      JOB     accounting info,name,MSGLEVEL=1
//             EXEC    PROC=DFHExTAL						1
//TRN.SYSIN    DD      *
*ASM      XOPTS(translator options . . .)                  2
               assembler language source statements
//LKED.SYSIN   DD      *
               NAME    anyname(R)

anyname is the name of your load module.

  1. To install a program into a read-only DSA, see Running application programs in the read-only DSAs for more details.
    To install a program to use from the LPA, add the following options:
    • RENT to the PARM options in the EXEC statement for the ASM step of the DFHE x TAL procedure
    • RENT and REFR options to the LNKPARM parameter on the call to the DFHE x TAL procedure
    (See Running applications in the link pack area.)
  2. For information about the translator options you can include on the XOPTS statement, see Defining translator options.
The following example shows the job control statements to translate, assemble and link-edit an AMODE(64) application program by using the CICS-supplied procedure DFHEGTAL.

//APPLPROG EXEC DFHEGTAL                                  
//TRN.SYSIN  DD *                                         
   . Application program                                  
//LKED.SYSIN DD *                                         
   ENTRY program_name                       
   NAME program_name(R)                     
program_name is the name of the AMODE(64) application.

Figure 2 shows the Assembler source program processed by the command level translator, with reference to CICS.SDFHLOAD, to produce a translator listing and an output file. This output file is then processed by the Assembler, with reference to CICS.SDFHMAC, to produce an assembler listing and a further output file. This output file is then processed by the linkage editor to produce a linkage editor listing and a load module that is stored in an application library.

Figure 2. Installing assembler language programs using the DFHEITAL or DFHEGTAL procedure
This figure is described in the preceding text.