CICS build toolkit return codes

The CICS build toolkit provides return codes to indicate the outcome of a build, with a return code of 0 for successful completion, 1 or 2 for warnings, and 9-16 inclusive for errors.

When an error occurs, the CICS build toolkit can halt processing or complete, depending on the severity of the error. More diagnostic information can be obtained by specifying the -v parameter.

CICS build toolkit return code Description
0 The operation completed successfully.
1 Warning. Some source projects were not imported.
2 Warning. Artifacts were built, with warnings.
9 Error. Invalid options were supplied.
10 Error. No source projects were imported.
11 Error. The artifact that is specified to be built was not found in the source projects.
12 Error. The build step failed.
13 Error. A problem occurred with the supplied target platform.
14 Error. No source projects were found.
15 Error. The resolve step failed.
16 Error. No unresolved projects were found.