Starting a CICS-MQ connection through the CICS CEMT transaction

You can start the connection to WebSphere® MQ by issuing the SET MQCONN command in the CICS® CEMT transaction.

About this task

The SET MQCONN CONNECTED command starts all installed MQMONITOR resources that have the attributes AUTOSTART(YES) and STATUS(ENABLED), including the MQMONITOR resource DFHMQINI that is dynamically created when the MQCONN attribute INITQNAME contains valid data.

For details of how to start and use the CEMT transaction, see CEMT - main terminal.


  1. On the CICS command line, enter the command CEMT SET MQCONN.
    The status of the connection and the default connection values are displayed. The values are taken from the installed MQCONN resource definition for the CICS region.
  2. Optional: If you want to change the name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group for the connection, overtype the value in the Mqname field with a different name.
    When you change this value, the queue manager name or queue-sharing group that you specified in the MQNAME attribute of the installed MQCONN resource definition is replaced with the name that you specified on this command. To revert to the original queue manager or queue-sharing group, change the value again.
  3. Optional: If you want to change the resynchronization behavior, overtype the Resyncmember field with either Resync, Noresync or Groupresync.
    For more information about resynchronization, see Automatic reconnection and resynchronization.
  4. To start the connection, overtype the value Notconnected with the value Connected and press Enter.
    CICS starts the connection, by using any new settings that you specified.