Tuning the z/OS shared library region

The shared library region is a z/OS® feature that enables address spaces to share dynamic link library (DLL) files. This feature enables your CICS® regions to share the DLLs that are needed for JVMs, rather than each region having to load them individually. This can greatly reduce the amount of real storage used by MVS™, and the time it takes for the regions to load the files.

The storage that is reserved for the shared library region is allocated in each CICS region when the first JVM is started in the region. The amount of storage that is allocated is controlled by the SHRLIBRGNSIZE parameter in z/OS, which is in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. The minimum is 16 MB, and the z/OS default is 64 MB. You can tune the amount of storage that is allocated for the shared library region by investigating how much space you need, bearing in mind that other applications besides CICS might be using the shared library region, and adjusting the SHRLIBRGNSIZE parameter accordingly.

If you want to reduce the amount of storage that is allocated for the shared library region, first check that you do not have wasted space in your shared library region. Bring up your normal workload on the z/OS system, then issue the command D OMVS,L to display the library statistics. If there is unused space in the shared library region, you can reduce the setting for SHRLIBRGNSIZE to remove this space. If CICS is the only user of the shared library region, you can reduce the SHRLIBRGNSIZE to the minimum of 16 MB, because the DLLs needed for the JVM only use around 10 MB of the region.

If you find that all the space in the shared library region is being used, but you still want to reduce this storage allocation in your CICS regions, there are three possible courses of action that you can consider:
  1. It is possible to set the shared library region size smaller than the amount of storage that you need for the files. When the shared library region is full, files are loaded into private storage instead, and do not benefit from the sharing facility. If you choose this course of action, you should make sure that you restart your more important applications first, to ensure that they are able to make use of the shared library region. This course of action is most appropriate if most of the space in the shared library region is being used by non-critical applications.
  2. The DLLs that are placed in the shared library region are those marked with the extended attribute +l. You can remove this attribute from some of your files to prevent them going into the shared library region, and so reduce the amount of storage that you need for the shared library region. If you choose this course of action, select files that are less frequently shared, and also try not to select files that have the extension .so. Files with the extension .so, if they are not placed in the shared library region, are shared by means of user shared libraries, and this sharing facility is less efficient than using the shared library region. This course of action is most appropriate if large files that do not have the extension .so are using most of the space in the shared library region.
  3. If you remove the extended attribute +l from all the files relating to the CICS JVM, then your CICS regions do not use the shared library region at all, and no storage is allocated for it within the CICS regions. If you choose this course of action, you do not benefit from the shared library region's sharing facility. This course of action is most appropriate if other applications on the z/OS system require a large shared library region, and you do not want to allocate this amount of storage in your CICS regions.
If you choose to remove the extended attribute +l from any of your files, when you replace those files with new versions (for example, during a software upgrade), remember to check that the new versions of the files do not have this attribute.

You can find more information about shared libraries in z/OS UNIX on the z/OS UNIX System Services website at https://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/unix/perform/sharelib.html.