Writing BMS macros

Because a BMS macro is an assembler language statement, you must follow assembler language syntax rules.

The following set of rules work, but they are more restrictive than the actual rules. For the full set of assembler language syntax rules, see Assembler H Version 2 Application Programming Language Reference.
  1. Start names in column 1. Map and map set names can be up to seven characters long. The maximum length for field names (the DFHMDF macro) depends on the programming language. BMS creates labels by adding one-character suffixes to your field names. These labels must not be longer than the target language allows, because they get copied into the program. Hence the limit for a map field name is 29 characters for COBOL, 30 for Pl/I and Assembler H, and 7 for Assembler F. For C and C++, it is 30 if the map is copied into the program as an internal data object, and six if it is an external data object (see Acquiring and defining storage for the maps for more information about copying the map).
  2. Start the macro identifier in column 10, or leave one blank between it and the name if the name exceeds eight positions. For field definitions, the identifier is always DFHMDF; for map definitions, DFHMDI; and for the map set macros that begin and end the map set, DFHMSD.
  3. The rest of the field description consists of keywords (like POS for the position parameter) followed by values. Sometimes a keyword does not have a value, but if it does, an equals sign (=) always separates the keyword from its value.
  4. Leave one blank after your macro identifier and then start your keywords. They can appear in any order.
  5. Separate keywords by one comma (no blanks), but do not put a comma after the last one.
  6. Keywords can extend through column 71. If you need more space, stop after the comma that follows the last keyword that fits entirely on the line and resume in column 16 of the next line.
  7. Initial values (the INITIAL, XINIT, and GINIT keywords) are exceptions to the rule, because they might not fit even if you start on a new line. Except when double-byte characters are involved, you can split them at any point after the first character of the initial value itself. When you split in this way, use all of the columns through 71 and continue in column 16 of the next line. Double-byte character set (DBCS) data is more complicated to express than ordinary single-byte (SBCS) data. See Step 12 if you have DBCS initial values.
  8. Surround initial values by single quote marks. If you need a single quote within your text, use two successive single quotes (the assembler removes the extra one). Ampersands also have special significance to the assembler, and you use the same technique: use two ampersands where you want one, and the assembler removes the extra.
  9. If you use more than one line for a macro, put a character (any one except a blank) in column 72 of all lines except the last.
  10. If you want comments in your map, use comment lines between macros, not among the lines that make up a single macro. Comment lines have an asterisk in column 1 and a blank in column 72. Your comments can appear anywhere among columns 2-71.
  11. Use uppercase only, except for values for the INITIAL parameter and in comments.
  12. For initial values containing DBCS. If you have initial data that is entirely DBCS, use the GINIT keyword for your data and specify the keyword PS=8 as well. If your data contains both DBCS and SBCS characters, that is, if it is mixed, use INITIAL and specify SOSI=YES. (We need to explain a third alternative, XINIT, because you may find it in code you are maintaining. You should use GINIT and INITIAL if possible, however, as XINIT is more difficult to use and your data is not validated as completely. XINIT can be used for either pure or mixed DBCS. XINIT with PS=8 follows the rules for GINIT, and XINIT with SOSI=YES follows those for INITIAL (mostly, at least). The main difference is that you express your data in hexadecimal with XINIT, but you use ordinary characters for GINIT and INITIAL.)
    This is how you write DBCS initial values:
    • You enclose your data with single quotes, as you do with the ordinary INITIAL parameter.
    • You use two ordinary characters for each DBCS character in your constant (two pairs of hexadecimal digits with XINIT) and one for each SBCS character (one pair with XINIT).
    • You bracket each DBCS character string with a shift-out (SO) character immediately preceding and a shift-in (SI) character immediately after. SO is hexadecimal X'0E', which appears as '<' on most keyboards, and SI is X'0F' ('>'). (XINIT with PS=8 is an exception; the SO/SI brackets are implied and you do not key them.) For example, all of these define the same initial value, which is entirely DBCS. (Ignore the LENGTH values for the moment; we explain those in a moment.)
    • SBCS and DBCS sequences can follow each other in any combination with INITIAL (and XINIT with SOSI=YES). If we add 'ABC' in front of the DBCS string in the previous example, and 'def' following the string, we have:
    • To calculate the length of your initial value, count two for each DBCS character and one for each SBCS character, whether you express them in ordinary characters or hexadecimal pairs. With GINIT (and XINIT with PS=8), you do not count the SO and SI characters, but with INITIAL (and XINIT with SOSI=YES), you add one for each SO and for each SI. (Note the different LENGTH values for the same constants in the previous examples.) In all cases, your LENGTH value must not exceed 256.
    • For GINIT and INITIAL, if your constant does not fit on one line, you use “extended” continuation rules, which are a little different from the ones described earlier. With extended continuation, you can stop after any full character (SBCS character, DBCS pair, or the SI ending a DBCS string) within your initial value. If you are in the middle of a DBCS string, add an SI (the SOs and SIs on one line must balance). Then fill out the line through column 72 with a continuation character. Any character will do, so long as it is different from the last meaningful character on the line.
      If you have stopped within a DBCS string, put an SO character in column 16 of the next line and resume in 17; otherwise just resume in 16, thus:
      GXMPL1   DFHMDF POS=(02,21),LENGTH=20,PS=8,GINIT='<D1D2D3D4D5D6>******
      IXMPL1   DFHMDF POS=(02,21),LENGTH=23,PS=8,INITIAL='abc<D1D2D3D4>ABC**

      You cannot use extended continuation with XINIT; use the rules described in Step 7.

    • If your LENGTH specification exceeds the length of the initial value you provide, the value is filled out on the right with DBCS blanks to your LENGTH value if you have used GINIT (or XINIT with PS=8). If you have used INITIAL, the fill character is an SBCS blank if the last part of the constant was SBCS, a DBCS blank if the last part was DBCS. If you use XINIT with SOSI=YES, the fill character is always an SBCS blank.