Saving a view's settings to its configuration

The Save settings to View Configuration option in the view menu saves the changes that you made to a view back to the view's configuration.

About this task

You can change the filter, column, and sort settings within a view, for example to diagnose a particular problem with your CICS resources. When you complete your changes, you can reset back to the settings stored in the view's configuration.

To make permanent the changes within a view so that you can reset to them in the future, see Resetting a view to its configuration, use the Save Settings to View Configuration option to update your view configuration with the current settings.

The Save settings to View Configuration action updates the configuration settings for the view in the following ways:
  • View configuration columns are replaced with active columns.
  • View configuration sorts are replaced with active sorts.
  • Quick filters are added to view configuration filters and removed from the quick filter bar.
When completed an information message is displayed in the error log saying {view name}view settings are saved to configuration.


  1. Start from the resource view that you want to save.
  2. Click the Save Settings to View Configuration button Save settings to view configuration in the toolbar view of menu options of the view.


Any more temporary settings you made to your current view are reflected in the permanent view configuration that you can reset back to later.