EXEC CICS and CEMT commands for the CICS-WebSphere MQ connection

You can use EXEC CICS system programming interface (SPI) commands and CEMT commands to manage MQCONN and MQINI resource definitions, start and stop the CICS-WebSphere MQ connection, display information and statistics for the connection, and purge tasks that are using the connection.

You can issue the EXEC CICS SPI commands in a CICS® application program. You can issue CEMT commands directly through the CICS CEMT transaction, without using an application program.

The following table shows the EXEC CICS SPI and CEMT commands and their functions.

Table 1. SPI and CEMT commands for the CICS-WebSphere MQ connection

EXEC CICS command CEMT command Function
CREATE MQCONN Not available Set up an MQCONN resource definition
INQUIRE MQCONN CEMT INQUIRE MQCONN Inquire on MQCONN resource definition attributes, status of connection, and number of tasks using connection
SET MQCONN CEMT SET MQCONN Start and stop connection, and change default queue manager or queue-sharing group name and resynchronization strategy
INQUIRE MQINI (see note below) CEMT INQUIRE MQINI Find default initiation queue name
INQUIRE SYSTEM CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM Find name of installed MQCONN resource definition
SET TASK FORCEPURGE CEMT SET TASK FORCEPURGE Purge tasks that are using the CICS-WebSphere MQ connection
EXTRACT STATISTICS MQCONN not available View statistics online for the CICS-WebSphere MQ connection
SET STATISTICS CEMT SET STATISTICS Reset all statistics including those for the CICS-WebSphere MQ connection
  1. You cannot explicitly create, discard, or set the MQINI resource, so the only command provided for this resource is INQUIRE MQINI. CICS creates the MQINI resource when you create the MQCONN resource, and discards it when you discard the MQCONN resource. If you want to change the MQINI resource, reinstall the MQCONN resource definition with an appropriate INITQNAME attribute.