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Referencing zFS artifacts in a bundle

A number of CICS® resources reference external zFS artifacts for further configuration information. For example, JVMSERVER resources require a JVM profile, and PIPELINE resources require a pipeline configuration file. If these resources are defined in a CICS bundle, the zFS artifacts that they require must also be stored in the CICS bundle, and referenced using a relative zFS name.

Storing the zFS configuration files in the CICS bundle ensures that the resource definition and its configuration files are deployed as an atomic unit. If you update the configuration files after deployment, make the change in the CICS bundle project in the CICS Explorer®, and the bundle should be redeployed. In most cases the CICS Explorer contains rich editors for working with the configuration files.

When the CICS bundle containing the resource definition is installed, CICS resolves the reference to the zFS configuration file relative to the CICS bundle's root directory. The configuration file can be stored in the root directory or in a subdirectory in the CICS bundle project.

For applications that are deployed in a JVM server, the &CONFIGROOT; symbol can be used in the JVM profile, which is substituted at runtime with the root directory for the CICS bundle. Applications can use the value of the system property to locate the configuration files for the JVM server.

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