DFHNC0431I Access statistics for CF structure strname:


This message gives a summary of coupling facility access statistics. It is issued in response to a named counter sequence number server DISPLAY or PRINT command which includes the CFSTATS parameter, and may also be produced on the SYSPRINT file during interval statistics if the statistics options include print file output.

The detailed message layout is as follows:

Requests: Create Get Set Delete Inquire Browse
               n   n   n      n       n      n
Responses: Asynch Unavail
                n       n
Normal Not fnd Vers chk List chk Str Full I/O err
     n       n        n        n        n       n

System action

Processing continues.

User response

The statistics are described in detail in the DFHNCS4D data area. The individual fields have the following meanings:

  • Response counts:


    Number of requests for which completion was asynchronous.


    Number of times requests were deferred because the structure was temporarily unavailable, for example because system-managed rebuild was in progress.


    Number of normal responses.

    Not fnd

    The specified entry (table or item) was not found.

    Vers chk

    A version check failed for an entry being updated. This occurs when a duplicate name is found while creating a new entry, or when an assign request finds the counter has reached its limit, or when a compare and swap type request (assign with increment, rewind or update) finds that the counter changed before the attempt to set the new value, in which case the request is retried until successful.

    List chk

    A list authority comparison failed. This should only be possible during server initialization.

    Str full

    The list structure became full.

    I/O err

    Some other error code was returned by IXLLIST.




Console and SYSPRINT