Most CEMT requests either inquire about (INQUIRE), or change (SET) the status of one or more named instances of a resource (such as a terminal), a particular subgroup of resources (such as a class of terminals), or all resources of a particular type (such as all terminals).

The INQUIRE command displays the status of the specified resources. The SET command makes the changes that you specify, and displays the new status of the resources. No changes are made if there are syntax errors in the SET command.

To inquire about a resource, enter INQUIRE (or a suitable abbreviation) on the command line. The keywords you can use with CEMT INQUIRE are described in the rest of this section.

To perform functions that are not related to resource status, enter PERFORM (or a suitable abbreviation) on the command line. The keywords you can use with PERFORM are described in CEMT PERFORM commands.

To change the attributes of a resource, enter SET (or a suitable abbreviation) on the command line. The keywords you can use with SET are described in CEMT SET commands.

You can inquire about any of the options by typing its keyword after INQUIRE on the command line. For example,
gives you the status of all programs, and for each program gives its attributes. Full details are given in CEMT INQUIRE PROGRAM.

dfha74n.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019