Collecting and extracting CICS statistics

The statistics collected by CICS® are written to an SMF data set. However, a user program can use the CICS Explorer® Regions operations view, the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command and the EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS command to collect the current statistics for a particular resource, or overall statistics for the resources of a particular type.

About this task

The kinds of statistics that you can collect might include statistics for global transaction activity in your CICS region, such as the total number of transactions attached. Alternatively you could specify a single transaction that you are interested in. The statistics are returned to the starting application. For programming information about these commands, see COLLECT STATISTICS.


Perform your statistical analysis. CICS supplies 15 sample programs that show how you can use the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS, EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS, and EXEC CICS INQUIRE commands to produce a useful analysis of a CICS system. These are the programs:

The sample programs produce a report showing critical system parameters from the CICS dispatcher, together with loader statistics and an analysis of the CICS storage manager. DFH$STAS, DFH$STCN, and DFH$STTB are provided in assembler language; the other 12 programs are provided in COBOL.

For information about installing and operating the sample statistics programs, and about the data produced by the programs, see Introduction to CICS statistics.

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