Avoiding affinities when using temporary storage

CICS application programs commonly use temporary storage queues to hold temporary application data, and to act as scratch pads.

Sometimes a temporary storage queue is used to pass data between application programs that execute under one instance of a transaction (for example, between programs that pass control by a LINK or XCTL command in a multi-program transaction). Such use of a temporary storage queue requires that the queue exists only for the lifetime of the transaction instance, and therefore it does not need to be shared between different target regions, because a transaction instance executes in one, and only one, target region.

Note: This latter statement is not strictly true in the case of a multi-program transaction, where one of the programs is linked by a distributed program link command and the linked-to program resides in a remote system. In this case, the program linked by a DPL command runs under another CICS task in the remote region. The preferred method for passing data to a DPL program is by a channel or COMMAREA, but if a temporary storage queue is used for passing data in a DPL application, the queue must be shared between the two regions.

Sometimes a temporary storage queue holds information that is specific to the target region, or holds read-only data. In this case the temporary storage queue can be replicated in each target region, and no sharing of data between target regions is necessary.

However, in many cases a temporary storage queue is used to pass data between transactions, in which case the queue must be globally accessible to enable the transactions using the queue to run in any dynamically selected target region. To make a temporary storage queue globally accessible while avoiding inter-transaction affinities, you can either use remote queues in a queue-owning region (QOR), or use shared temporary storage queues that reside in a temporary storage data-sharing pool in a coupling facility.

Remote temporary storage queues in a queue-owning region

To function ship temporary storage requests to a queue-owning region (QOR):
  • In the application-owning regions, create TSMODEL resources using the REMOTESYSTEM and REMOTEPREFIX (or XREMOTEPFX) attributes to define the temporary storage queues as remote.
  • In the queue-owning region, create corresponding TSMODEL resources to define the characteristics of the temporary storage queues.
  • If you want to avoid duplication, you can create TSMODEL resources that can be installed in both a local and remote region, and share these resources between the application-owning regions and the queue-owning region.

If your temporary storage queue names are generated dynamically, you must follow a process that generates queue names that are unique for a given terminal. The usual convention is a 4-character prefix (for example, the transaction identifier) followed by a 4-character terminal identifier as the suffix. Generic queue names in this format can be defined as remote queues. If your naming convention does not conform to this rule, the queue cannot be defined as remote, and all transactions that access the queue must be routed to the target region where the queue was created.

You cannot use the global user exits for temporary storage requests to change a temporary storage queue name from a local to a remote queue name.

Figure 1 illustrates the use of a remote queue-owning region.
Figure 1. Using remote queues to avoid inter-transaction affinity relating to temporary storage. This example shows a combined file-owning and queue-owning region (a resource-owning region, or ROR). Separate regions can be used, but these require special care during recovery operations because of 'indoubt' windows that can occur when recovering data managed independently by file control and temporary storage control.
A remote queue owning region that owns shared temporary storage queues defined as remote on four AORs.

Shared temporary storage queues

To use shared temporary storage queues that reside in a temporary storage data-sharing pool in a coupling facility, in the application-owning regions, create TSMODEL resources that use the POOLNAME and PREFIX (or XPREFIX) attributes to map the temporary storage requests to a named pool of shared temporary storage queues.

You must set up a temporary storage server to support each pool of temporary storage queues that is defined in the coupling facility. For more information, see Setting up and running a temporary storage server.

Note that TSMODEL resource definitions do not support applications specifying an explicit SYSID for a queue that resides in a temporary storage data sharing pool. Applications must use the QUEUE or QNAME option instead. If your applications use an explicit SYSID for a shared queue pool, this requires the support of a temporary storage table (TST).

Figure 2 shows four AORs that are using the same pool of shared temporary storage queues in a coupling facility. A temporary storage server is always managed by the queue server region program, DFHXQMN.
Figure 2. Example of the use of a temporary storage data-sharing server
A data sharing server with a temporary storage pool shared by four AORs, as described in the preceding text.

Exception conditions for globally accessible queues

When you eliminate inter-transaction affinity relating to TS queues by the use of a global QOR, you must also take care to review exception condition handling. Some exception conditions can occur that previously were not possible when the transactions and the queue were local in the same region.

This situation arises because the target region and QOR can fail independently, causing circumstances where:
  • The queue already exists, because only the target region failed while the QOR continued.
  • The queue is not found, because only the QOR failed while the target region continued.

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