Update the current value of a named counter. Use COUNTER for fullword signed counters and DCOUNTER for doubleword unsigned counters.

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   '-COMPAREMIN(data-value)-'  '-COMPAREMAX(data-value)-'   


This command is threadsafe.

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   '-COMPAREMIN(data-area)-'  '-COMPAREMAX(data-area)-'   


This command is threadsafe.


These counter commands set a new current value for the named counter.

You can use the COMPAREMAX and COMPAREMIN options to set a new current value only if it falls within a specified range, or is above or below a specified value.

For information about specifying fullword and doubleword variables on these named counter commands, see CICS command argument values.


Specifies, as a fullword signed binary value (or doubleword unsigned binary value for DCOUNTER), a value to compare with the current value of the named counter, and makes the result of the UPDATE command conditional on the comparison:
  • If the current value to assign is less than, or equal to, the value specified for the COMPAREMAX parameter, the current value is reset and the response is normal.
  • If the current value is greater than the specified value, CICS returns an exception condition.

Normally, the COMPAREMAX value is greater than the COMPAREMIN value and the current value must satisfy both comparisons (that is, it must be between the two values or equal to one of them).

You can specify a COMPAREMAX value that is less than the COMPAREMIN value. In this situation, the current value is considered to be in range if it satisfies either the COMPAREMIN or the COMPAREMAX comparison.

Specifies, as a fullword signed binary value (or doubleword unsigned binary value for DCOUNTER), a value to compare with the current value of the named counter, and makes the result of the UPDATE command conditional on the comparison:
  • If the current value to assign is equal to, or greater than, the value specified for the COMPAREMIN parameter, the current value is reset and the response is normal.
  • If the current value is less than the specified value, CICS returns an exception condition.
Note: You can specify a COMPAREMIN value that is greater than the COMPAREMAX value. See the COMPAREMAX parameter for the effect of this.
Specifies the name of the named counter for which the current number is to be reset to the value specified on the value parameter. The name can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters. If name is a variable that contains a name that is less than 16 characters, the name must be padded with trailing blanks.
Specifies the name of the named counter for which the current number is to be reset to the value specified on the value parameter. The name can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters. If name is a variable that contains a name that is less than 16 characters, the name must be padded with trailing blanks.
Specifies the name of the pool in which the named counter resides.

Valid characters for the pool selector string are A through Z, 0 through 9, $ @ # and _ (underscore). If name is a variable that contains a name that is less than 8 characters, the name must be padded with trailing blanks.

This parameter is optional. If you omit the name of the pool, a pool selector value of 8 blanks is assumed.

If there is no matching entry in the DFHNCOPT options table, CICS uses the name specified on the NCPLDFT system initialization parameter, which specifies the default named counter pool.

For information about generating a named counter options table using the DFHNCO macro, see Named counter servers.

Specifies the new number to set as the current value for the named counter, using a fullword signed binary value for COUNTER and a doubleword unsigned value for DCOUNTER.


RESP2 values:
Named counter not found.
The server has reported an error code that is not understood by the named counter interface. Generally, this is not possible unless the interface load module, DFHNCIF, is at a lower maintenance or release level than the server itself.
An unexpected error, such as structure failure or loss of connectivity, has occurred on a macro used to access the coupling facility. Further information is in message DFHNC0441 in the application job log.
The pool selection parameter specified in the program cannot be resolved to a valid server name using the current options table.
The interface cannot establish a connection to the server for the selected named counter pool. Further information is in an AXM services message (AXMSCnnnn) in the application job log.
An abend occurred during server processing of a request. Further information is in a message in the application job log and the server job log.
The DFHNCOPT options table module, required to resolve a pool name, cannot be loaded.
During processing of the options table, the named counter interface encountered an unknown entry format. Either the options table is not correctly generated, or the DFHNCIF interface load module is not at the same release level as the options table.
An options table entry that matches the given pool name specified a user exit program, but the user exit program is not link-edited with the options table and cannot be loaded.
A response from the named counter server to the client region interface module, DFHNCIF, indicates that a system-managed rebuild is in progress but the EXEC CICS interface does not recognize the condition. This means that the CICS region is at CICS TS 2.1 or earlier.
The POOL parameter contains invalid characters or embedded spaces.
The COUNTER parameter contains invalid characters or embedded spaces.
The VALUE parameter is invalid. You cannot set the current value to less than the minimum value, or greater than the maximum value plus 1.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

RESP2 values:
One of the following:
  • The current value of the named counter is not within the range specified by the COMPAREMAX and COMPAREMIN parameters, when both are specified
  • The current value of the named counter is greater than the COMPAREMAX parameter or less than the COMPAREMIN parameter, when only one option is specified.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

dfhp4_updatecounter.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019