Back out to last syncpoint.

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Condition: INVREQ

This command is threadsafe.

Note: The Recovery Manager processes this command on an open TCB wherever possible to minimize TCB switching. Syncpoint processing can take place on an open TCB for all resource types declared as threadsafe that were accessed in the unit of work. If resource types not declared as threadsafe were accessed in the unit of work, the Recovery Manager switches to the QR TCB for those resource types. A CICS® resource type declares itself to the Recovery Manager as threadsafe if the EXEC CICS commands relating to the resource type are threadsafe.



specifies that all changes to recoverable resources made by the task since its last syncpoint are to be backed out.

This option can be used, for example, to tidy up in a HANDLE ABEND routine, or to revoke database changes after the application program finds irrecoverable errors in its input data.

If the unit of work updates remote recoverable resources using an MRO or APPC session, the ROLLBACK option is propagated to the back-end transaction.

When a distributed transaction processing conversation is in use, the remote application program has the EIB fields EIBSYNRB, EIBERR, and EIBERRCD set. For the conversation to continue, the remote application program should execute a SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK command.

When the mirror transaction is involved in the unit of work using an MRO or APPC session, the mirror honors the rollback request, revokes changes, and then terminates normally.

This option is not supported across LUTYPE6.1 z/OS® Communications Server sessions to the mirror or back-end transactions. In these cases, the front-end transactions could be abended to cause the back-end transactions to back out.

Note: A failure occurring during the backout phase (phase 2) of syncpoint processing does not return an error condition and the transaction is not abnormally terminated. Subsequent units of work in the transaction are allowed to continue normally. See Unit of work recovery and abend processing for further information.
Note: A deferred EXEC CICS SEND request is cancelled during a SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK command.


RESP2 values:
SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK was in a program that is linked to from a remote system that has not specified the SYNCONRETURN option, or if it has been linked to locally and is defined with EXECUTIONSET=DPLSUBSET

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

dfhp4_syncpointrollback.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019