RECEIVE (z/OS® Communications Server default)

Receive data from standard CICS® terminal support or from a task that is not attached to a terminal.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
RECEIVE (default)

            '-+-INTO(data-area)-+-'  '-FLENGTH(data-area)-'   

   +-MAXLENGTH(data-value)--+  '-NOTRUNCATE-'   




This form of the RECEIVE command is used by all CICS-supported terminals for which the other RECEIVE descriptions are not appropriate.

If data is to be received, you must specify either the INTO or the SET option. If a RECEIVE is issued purely to detect an attention identifier (AID) you can omit both the INTO and SET options.


An alternative to LENGTH. For architectural reasons, this option is limited to a maximum of 32K for all terminal-related RECEIVE commands.
specifies the receiving field for the data read from the logical unit or terminal, or the application target data area into which data is to be received from the application program connected to the other end of the current conversation.
specifies the length, as a halfword binary value, of the data received.

If you specify the INTO option, but omit the MAXLENGTH option, the argument must be a data area that specifies the maximum length that the program accepts. If the value specified is less than zero, zero is assumed.

If you specify the SET option, the argument must be a data area. When the data has been received, the data area is set to the length of the data.

A fullword alternative to MAXLENGTH.
specifies the maximum amount (halfword binary value) of data that CICS is to recover. If INTO is specified, MAXLENGTH overrides the use of LENGTH as an input to CICS. If SET is specified, MAXLENGTH provides a way for the program to limit the amount of data it receives at one time.

If the length of data exceeds the value specified and the NOTRUNCATE option is not present, the data is truncated to that value and the LENGERR condition occurs. The data area specified in the LENGTH option is set to the original length of data.

If the length of data exceeds the value specified and the NOTRUNCATE option is present, CICS retains the remaining data and uses it to satisfy subsequent RECEIVE commands. The data area specified in the LENGTH option is set to the length of data returned.

If this option is omitted, the value indicated in the LENGTH option is assumed.

specifies that, when the data available exceeds the length requested, the remaining data is not to be discarded but is to be retained for retrieval by subsequent RECEIVE commands.
specifies the pointer reference that is to be set to the address of the data read from the logical unit or terminal, or the partner transaction. The pointer reference is valid until the next receive command or the end of task.

If DATALOCATION(ANY) is associated with the application program, the address of the data can be above or below the 16MB line.

If DATALOCATION(BELOW) is associated with the application program, and the data resides above the 16MB line, the data is copied below the 16MB line, and the address of this copy is returned.

If TASKDATAKEY(USER) is specified for the running task, and storage protection is active, the data returned is in a user-key. If TASKDATAKEY(CICS) is specified and storage protection is active, the data returned is in a CICS-key.


RESP2 values:
A distributed program link server application specified the function-shipping session (its principal facility) on the CONVID option.
also occurs (RESP2 not set) in any of the following situations:
  • The command is used on an APPC conversation that is not using the EXEC CICS interface or that is not a mapped conversation.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if data is discarded by CICS because its length exceeds the maximum the program accepts and the NOTRUNCATE option is not specified.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if the RECEIVE command is issued by a transaction that has been started as a nonterminal task by the START command, or if the CONVID value or facility specified in the command does not relate to a conversation owned by the application.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

dfhp4_receivevtamdefault.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019