RECEIVE (2980)

Receive data from a 2980 general banking terminal system.

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RECEIVE (2980)

            '-+-INTO(data-area)-+-'  '-FLENGTH(data-area)-'   

   +-MAXLENGTH(data-value)--+  '-NOTRUNCATE-'           




RECEIVE receives data from the terminal.

If data is to be received, you must specify either the INTO or the SET option. If a RECEIVE is issued purely to detect an attention identifier (AID) you can omit both the INTO and SET options.

Passbook control

All input and output requests to the passbook area of a 2980 are dependent on the presence of a passbook. The PASSBK option is used to specify that communication is with a passbook. The conditions NOPASSBKRD (RECEIVE) and NOPASSBKWR (SEND) occur on input and output requests respectively when a passbook is not present. These conditions can be handled by a HANDLE CONDITION command and appropriate handling routines.

If the passbook is present on an input request, the application program generally writes back to the passbook area to update the passbook. If the NOPASSBKWR condition occurs, CICS® allows immediate output to the terminal. In a routine for the NOPASSBKWR condition, the application program should send an error message to the journal area of the terminal to inform the 2980 operator of this error condition. To allow the operator to insert the required passbook, CICS causes the transaction to wait 23.5 seconds before continuing.

On regaining control from CICS after sending the error message, the application program can attempt again to update the passbook when it has ensured that the print element is positioned correctly in the passbook area. This is generally accomplished by issuing two carrier returns followed by the number of tabs required to move the print element to the correct position.

If the NOPASSBKWR condition occurs during the second attempt to write to the passbook area, the application program can send another error message or take some alternative action (for example, place the terminal “out of service”). The presence of the Auditor Key on a 2980 Administrative Station Model 2 is controlled by the SEND PASSBK command and may be used in a manner similar to that described above.

Output control

The unit of transmission for a 2980 is called a segment. However, for the passbook and journal areas, CICS allows an application program to send messages that exceed the buffer size. For the passbook area, the maximum length of message is limited to one line of a passbook to avoid spacing (“indexing”) past the bottom of the passbook. For the journal area, the maximum length of message is specified in the LENGTH option of the SEND command.

For example, consider a 2972 buffer size of 48 characters and a 2980 Teller Station Model 4 passbook print area of 100 characters per line. The application program can send a message of 100 characters to this area; CICS segments the message to adjust to the buffer size. The application program must insert the passbook indexing character (X'25') as the last character written in one output request to the passbook area. This is done to control passbook indexing and thereby achieve positive control of passbook presence.

If a message contains embedded passbook indexing characters, and segmentation is necessary because of the length of the message, the output is terminated if the passbook spaces beyond the bottom of the passbook; the remaining segments are not printed.

Output to a common buffer

The SEND CBUFF command is used to transmit data to a common buffer. The data is translated to the character set of the receiving 2980 model. If more than one 2980 model type is connected to the 2972 control unit, the lengths are truncated if they exceed the buffer size.

The DFH2980 structure

The DFH2980 structure contains constants that may only be used when writing COBOL or PL/I application programs for the 2980. The structure is obtained by copying DFH2980 into the application program.

For COBOL, DFH2980 is copied into the working-storage section; for PL/I, DFH2980 is included using a %INCLUDE statement.

The station identification is given in the field STATIONID, whose value must be determined by the ASSIGN command. To test whether a normal or alternate station is being used, the STATIONID field is compared with values predefined in DFH2980. The values are:

where n is an integer (0 through 9) and A and N signify alternate and normal stations. (The break symbol is hyphen (-) for COBOL, and underscore (_) for PL/I.)

The teller identification on a 2980 Teller Station Model 4 is given in the 1-byte character field TELLERID. An ASSIGN command must be used to find out the TELLERID value.

Tab characters (X'05') must be included in the application program. The number of tabs required to position the print element to the first position of a passbook area is given in the field NUMTAB. An ASSIGN command must be used to find out the NUMTAB value. The value of NUMTAB is specified by the system programmer and may be unique to each terminal.

Other tab characters are inserted as needed to control formatting.

Any of the DFH2980 values TAB-ZERO through TAB-NINE for COBOL and PL/I, may be compared with NUMTAB to find out the number of tab characters that need to be inserted in an output message to get correct positioning of the print element. The tab character is included in DFH2980 as TABCHAR.

Thirty special characters are defined in DFH2980. Twenty-three of these can be referred to by the name SPECCHAR-# or SPECCHAR_# (for American National Standard COBOL or PL/I) where # is an integer (0 through 22). The seven other characters are defined with names that imply their usage, for example, TABCHAR.

Several other characters defined in DFH2980, such as HOLDPCF or TCTTEPCR, are intended for use in application programs using CICS macros, and should not be required in application programs using CICS commands.


A fullword alternative to LENGTH.
specifies the receiving field for the data read from the terminal or logical unit, or the application target area receiving the data from the application program connected to the other end of the current conversation.

If you specify the INTO option, but omit the MAXLENGTH option, the argument for the LENGTH option must be a data area that specifies the maximum length that the program accepts. If the value specified is less than zero, zero is assumed.

If the length of the data exceeds the value specified, but the NOTRUNCATE option is not specified, the data is truncated to that value and the LENGERR condition occurs. When the data has been received, the data area for the LENGTH option is set to the original length of the data.

specifies the length, as a halfword binary value, of the data transmitted.

If you specify the INTO option, but omit the MAXLENGTH option, the argument must be a data area that specifies the maximum length that the program accepts. If the value specified is less than zero, zero is assumed.

If the length of the data exceeds the value specified, but the NOTRUNCATE option is not specified, the data is truncated to that value and the LENGERR condition occurs. When the data has been received, the data area is set to the original length of the data.

If you specify the SET option, the argument must be a data area. When the data has been received, the data area is set to the length of the data.

For a description of a safe upper limit, see LENGTH options in CICS commands.

A fullword alternative to MAXLENGTH.
specifies the maximum amount (halfword binary value) of data that CICS is to recover. If INTO is specified, MAXLENGTH overrides the use of LENGTH as an input to CICS. If SET is specified, MAXLENGTH provides a way for the program to limit the amount of data it receives at one time.

If the value specified is less than zero, zero is assumed.

If the length of data exceeds the value specified and the NOTRUNCATE option is not present, the data is truncated to that value and the LENGERR condition occurs. The data area specified in the LENGTH option is set to the original length of data.

If the length of data exceeds the value specified and the NOTRUNCATE option is present, CICS retains the remaining data and uses it to satisfy subsequent RECEIVE commands. The data area specified in the LENGTH option is set to the length of data returned.

If this option is omitted, the value indicated in the LENGTH option is assumed.

specifies that, when the data available exceeds the length requested, the remaining data is not to be discarded but is to be retained for retrieval by subsequent RECEIVE commands.
specifies that communication is with a passbook.
specifies a pointer reference that is to be set to the address of data received from the conversation partner in an MRO conversation. The pointer reference is valid until the next receive command or the end of task.

If DATALOCATION(ANY) is associated with the application program, the address of the data can be above or below the 16MB line.

If DATALOCATION(BELOW) is associated with the application program, and the data resides above the 16MB line, the data is copied below the 16MB line, and the address of this copy is returned.

If TASKDATAKEY(USER) is specified for the running task, and storage protection is active, the data returned is in a user-key. If TASKDATAKEY(CICS) is specified and storage protection is active, the data returned is in a CICS-key.

If you specify the SET option, the argument for the LENGTH option must be a data area. When the data has been received, the data area is set to the length of the data.


RESP2 values:
A distributed program link server application specified the function-shipping session (its principal facility) on the CONVID option.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if data is discarded by CICS because its length exceeds the maximum the program accepts and the NOTRUNCATE option is not specified.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

occurs if no passbook is present.

Default action: terminate the task abnormally.

dfhp4_receive2980.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019