Acquire a session to a remote system for use by APPC basic conversation (assembler-language and C programs only).

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>>-GDS ALLOCATE--+-SYSID(systemname)--+----------------+-+------>
                 |                    '-MODENAME(name)-' |   





GDS ALLOCATE acquires a session to a remote system.

The return code is given in RETCODE (see Table 1). For a list of return code values, see the Return codes for APPC basic conversations . EXEC CICS® conditions are never raised on GDS commands.


In general, the arguments can be replaced by absolute or relocatable assembler-language expressions.

specifies the 4-character application data area that is to contain the token returned by an ALLOCATE command to identify the allocated conversation. This token is required in subsequent GDS commands issued on the conversation.
specifies the name of the mode group from which the session is to be acquired. If you specify SYSID and omit MODENAME, CICS selects a modename from those defined for the system.
specifies that the request to allocate a session is not to be queued when a suitable APPC session cannot be acquired immediately. A session is acquired immediately only if it is a bound contention winner that is not already allocated to another conversation.

The return code in RETCODE indicates whether or not a session has been acquired.

If the NOQUEUE option is not used, a delay may occur before control is passed back to the application program. A delay can occur for any of the following reasons:
  • All sessions for the specified SYSID and MODENAME are in use.
  • The CICS allocation algorithm has selected a session that is not currently bound (in which case, CICS has to bind).
  • The CICS allocation algorithm has selected a contention loser (in which case, CICS has to bid).

If there is a delay, the program waits until the session has been acquired.

specifies the name (eight characters) of a set of definitions that include the names of a remote LU (NETNAME) and a communication profile to be used on the allocated session. For APPC basic conversations, the only relevant attribute set by the profile is MODENAME.

If you use this option as an alternative to SYSID and MODENAME, CICS uses the NETNAME and MODENAME from the PARTNER definition.

specifies the 6-byte application data area into which return code information (shown in Table 1) is to be moved.
gets the state of the current conversation. The cvda values returned by CICS are:
  • FREE
  • SEND
specifies the remote system to which an APPC session is to be allocated. The name, which is 1–4 characters, identifies an entry (defined as an APPC connection) in the CICS terminal control table.
Table 1. GDS ALLOCATE return codes
RETCODE (hexadecimal) Description
01 0C 00 SYSID is unrecognized.
01 0C 04 SYSID is not an LUTYPE6.2 connection name.
01 04 04 NOQUEUE is specified but no bound connection-winner sessions are available.
01 04 08 MODENAME is not known.
01 04 0C The MODENAME value is SNASVCMG which is restricted to use by CICS.
01 04 0C z/OS® Communications Server has no class of service (COS) table for the MODENAME value.
01 04 10 The task was canceled during queuing of the command.
01 04 14 All modegroups are closed.
01 04 14 The requested modegroup is closed.
01 04 18 The requested modegroup is draining (closing down).
01 08 00 All sessions in the requested modegroup are unusable.
01 08 00 The connection is in quiesce state.
01 08 00 The connection is out of service.
01 08 00 The connection is not acquired.
01 08 00 The requested modegroup's local max (maximum permitted number of sessions) is 0.
01 08 00 The VTAM® ACB is closed.
01 0C 14 The NETNAME specified in the PARTNER definition is not known.
02 0C 00 PARTNER is not known.
06 00 00 The PROFILE specified in the PARTNER definition is not known.
Note: VTAM is now the z/OS Communications Server.

dfhp4_gdsallocate.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019