Setting password expiration

You can configure password expiration options for the IBM® Cognos® Inventive Compensation Management client.


  1. Go to Admin > Administrative Options.
  2. Select the User tab.
  3. Select the Passwords expire after check box to force users to create new passwords at predefined intervals.

    The number of days entered indicates how often users are prompted to create new passwords for themselves. Passwords are tracked by the system before the password expires; this includes password changes made in the Manage Users window and the web client.

    Important: The password assigned to the Scheduler role never expires.
  4. Select the Prompt users about passwords expiring check box and type the number of days before password expiration that the system sends notifications to users.
  5. In the This will repeat every field, type the number of days that the system will wait before sending out another password expiration notification.
  6. In the Show final password warning field, type the number of minutes before the password expires that the system sends the final password expiration notification to users.