High performance libraries

XL Fortran is shipped with the following set of libraries for high-performance mathematical computing:
  • Mathematical Acceleration Subsystem (MASS). It is a set of libraries of tuned mathematical intrinsic routines that provide improved performance over the corresponding standard system math library routines. MASS is described in Using the Mathematical Acceleration Subsystem (MASS) libraries.
  • Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS). They are a subset of routines from IBM's Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library (ESSL) library, which provides matrix/vector multiplication functions tuned for PowerPC® architectures. The BLAS functions are described in Using the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms – BLAS.

Note that if you are going to link your application with the ESSL libraries, using -qessl and IPA allows the optimizer to automatically use ESSL routines.

See the following topics for further information about the high performance libraries:

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