Upgrade the OpenPages database (Db2®)

You upgrade the OpenPages® database by running scripts. Use these topics if you are upgrading OpenPages in-place.

You must run all of the upgrade scripts in sequence to upgrade the database schema.

Two of the scripts require DBA privileges: a pre-upgrade script and a post-upgrade script. If you have DBA privileges, you can run all of the scripts. If you do not have DBA privileges, contact your database administrator.

A schema user can run the scripts that do not require DBA privileges.

Note for 7.4.x and 8.0.x customers: The database upgrade scripts modify and drop some database structures to free up space in the database. To complete the process, the PROPERTYVALS table needs to be reorganized. The database upgrade scripts perform the table reorganization automatically. Due to this additional operation, the database upgrade takes longer to complete than in the 7.4/8.0 release. The time to complete the reorganization depends on the size of your PROPERTYVALS table and the hardware capability of your database server.
Pre-upgrade step – Requires DBA privileges
During this step, your database administrator runs a script to prepare the database for the upgrade.

You need both DBADM and SECADM privileges to run this script.

Validate the pre-upgrade step
During this step, you run a script to verify that the pre-upgrade script completed successfully and that the database schema is ready for the upgrade.
Upgrade step
During this step, you run a script to upgrade the database. The script determines the current version of the database schema objects, and then runs the upgrade scripts that are needed to upgrade the database.
Post upgrade step – Requires DBA privileges
During this step, your database administrator runs a script to complete the database upgrade and to set database tuning parameters.

You need both DBADM and SECADM privileges to run this script.

Validate the post-upgrade step
During this step, you run a script to validate the post-upgrade step.