Utilities for filtering on long string field content in a Db2 database

You can filter based on the content of long string fields if the IBM® Db2® Text Search feature is enabled. This feature is also known as full text searching.
Warning: Do not include long string fields that are encrypted using field level encryption in the search criteria because they can return unexpected results.

Long string fields allow users to enter values over 4 KB in length. To apply filters on the content of these long string fields, you must install and configure the Db2 Text Search feature, see Install and configure Db2 text search.

If the Db2 Text Search feature is not enabled, attempts to filter on the content of long string fields will not work. For details on setting up long text fields, see Long string fields.

The following SQL scripts are provided to help manage full text searching:

Note: Before running these scripts, make sure the Db2 Text Search feature is installed and configured.

For information about how to disable Db2 text search, see Disabling a database for Db2 Text Search.

To apply filters with long string fields, you must change the OpenPages | Platform | Database | Text Indexes setting to true.

If the value is set to true, filtering is enabled on long string fields.

If the value is set to false, filter is disable on long string fields. The default values is false.

For details on working with settings, see Viewing the Configuration and Settings page.