IBM BPM REST APIs resources

IBM® BPM provides a set of REST APIs for working with processes and tasks.

The Swagger definition for the REST APIs is included with IBM BPM. If your IBM BPM installation includes a web server that hosts the Swagger UI, you can access the Swagger definition for the REST APIs from a URL with the following format:
Where host_name is the name of your web server and port_number is the port number used by the web server. For example, localhost:9080/bpm/explorer. For information about configuring a web server, see Customizing IBM BPM to work with a web server.
You can also get the Swagger definition by using the following REST API call:
GET /bpm/docs
The call returns a JSON object that contains the Swagger definition.
Important: To prevent cross site request forgery attacks, the IBM BPM REST API operations require that the HTTP header BPMCSRFToken is set with every request. For more information, see Preventing cross site request forgery.
Remember: For IBM BPM on Cloud, the IBM BPM REST APIs have the following URL structure, where system has the value dev for the development system, test for the test system, or run for the production (runtime) system.
The following sections list the REST APIs available for each of the API categories:


GET /processes
Retrieve a list of process instances.
POST /processes
Start a process instance.
GET /processes/{process-id}
Retrieve a process instance.
DELETE /processes/{process-id}
Delete a process instance.


GET /user-tasks
Retrieve a list of user tasks.
GET /user-tasks//{task-id}
Retrieve a user task.
POST /user-tasks//{task-id}/claim
Claim a user task.
POST /user-tasks//{task-id}/complete
Claim a user task.