REST interface for BPD-related resources - Search Execution Resource - PUT Method

Use this method to retrieve a list of task instance entities via an ad hoc query. Retrieves a list of task instance entities for an ad hoc search query passed in the JSON code.

Sample method invocation

PUT /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks[?size={integer}][&offset={integer}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}][&calcStats={boolean}]

Usage Notes

The saved search definition JSON code is used for the payload when a saved search is created or updated. It is also used for definining an ad hoc search to be executed. This is the JSON code that is returned when a search is retrieved.

The valid values for the fields and sort lists are based on the metadata fields returned from these REST APIs:

This property is always returned. When supplied as part of the payload:
  • Create: The name is required.
  • Update: The property is optional.
  • Ad hoc execution: The property is optional. If you define this property in the object used as input, it is ignored by the API. When the API returns the object, this property is not set for ad hoc searches.

When the name is supplied as part of the payload to create or update the saved search name, the name is subject to validation rules. Examples of name validation rules:

  • The specified name must not be the same as the name of an existing saved search whose owner has the same name as the requesting user. A user can own only one saved search with a given name, whether that search is shared or not.
  • The name of a shared saved search must not be the same as the name of an existing saved search whose owner is any user and that is marked as shared. Only one saved search can be shared with a given name.
  • The specified name must not be a number to avoid name/identifier conflicts.
The filter to target different task categories (tasks available for claiming, claimed tasks, completed tasks, etc). If you do not set this parameter, its default value is all. You can use one of the following values:
  • claimed: This value retrieves the tasks that are already claimed by the current user. Tasks contained in suspended process instances are excluded.
  • available: This value retrieves the tasks that can be claimed by the current user. Tasks contained in suspended process instances are excluded.
  • claimed_and_available: This value retrieves both the tasks that are already claimed and the tasks that are available for claiming by the current user.
  • completed: This value retrieves the completed tasks that are claimed by the current user.
  • all: This value retrieves all the tasks that the current user is authorized to see.
Represents the conditions of a saved search definition. The filters are eventually applied as SQL filters. With SQL filters, nulls are considered 'unknown' and are ignored. A filter condition such as 'Owner Not Equal To XXX' is applied as 'Owner exists AND Owner Not Equal to XXX'. The valid values for the conditions field is based on the metadata fields returned from these REST APIs:
  • /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/tasks/meta/constraintFields
  • /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/tasks/meta/businessDataFields
The FullTextSearch 'operator' is used to perform a full text search. To search within a single field, provide a field name. To search across all fields of a task, omit the field name. When a field name is provided, only the fields from the above REST services that have the full_text_searchable argument set to true are allowed (searchable strings). The FullTextSearch value can include multiple words and each word can contain wildcards (*,?) or the fuzzy search indicator (~).


Optional parameters
NameValue TypeDescription
size integer
Specifies the maximum number of entities to be returned. If this number is not specified, the default size defined for the query is used.
offset integer
Specifies the index (origin 0) of the first entity to be returned from the query result set. Offset 0 refers to the first entity from the result set. Offset 1 refers to the second entity, and so on. If no index is specified, the default value is 0.
filterByCurrentUser boolean

This parameter is a flag that indicates whether the search results should be restricted to the entities associated with the current user. If you set this parameter to false, an unfiltered search is performed. If you set it to true, the search results are filtered by the current user. If the current user has BPM Administrator rights on the server, the default value is false, but if an interaction filter is applied, a filtered search is performed. If the current user does not have BPM Administrator rights, this parameter is ignored and a filtered search is performed.

Note: This parameter is used only when the request is executed by a user who belongs to the BPM security group, otherwise it is ignored.

calcStats boolean

This parameter indicates whether the results should include tasks statistics. If the parameter is not specified, the default value is false. The statistics include the total number of tasks found in this query, the number of open tasks that are at risk, overdue, and on track.

Request content

A saved search definition to execute ad hoc will not be saved (SavedSearchDefinition complexType).

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

+ View schema
   "title":"Saved Search Definition",
   "description":"The saved search definition JSON.  This is the JSON that is returned when a search is retrieved, and the JSON that is used for the payload when saving or updating a search.",
           "description":"The ID of the saved search definition. This field is always returned.  When supplied as part of the payload: Create: The ID should be omitted when creating a saved search definition. Update: This field is optional and if supplied the id must match the id of the saved search definition being updated.  Adhoc execution:  This if field is optional and if supplied it is ignored.",
           "description":"The name of the saved search definition. This field is always returned. When supplied as part of the payload, the requirements differ based on the method.",
           "description":"The owner of the saved search definition. This field is always returned.  If not supplied, it will default to the current user.  The owner of a saved search is always authorized to work on the saved searches they own.  Note: Shared saved searches defined prior to 8570 will not have an owner saved. Shared saved searches, including those owned by other users or without a saved owner, can be created, updated and deleted by a saved search administrators.",
           "description":"A string that indicates how the search results are organized. The value is set to either 'byTask' or 'byInstance'.  Defaults if not provided to 'byTask'.",
           "description":"Indicates whether the saved search is shared.  Defaults if not provided to false",
        "teams": {
           "type": "array",
           "description": "The team that the saved search is shared with.  If the saved search is shared an empty teams array indicates that the shared saved search is shared globally with everybody.  The array can optionally include one team to share the saved search with.  The teamId must be a team that the user is a member of or manager of.  Saved search administrators can share with any team.  Sharing with multiple teams may be supported in future releases.",
           "properties" : {
                "teamId": {"type": "string",
                     "description": "The team id."
                "teamName": {"type": "string",
                     "description": "The team name. Used in returned JSON and ignored if included as part of payload."
                "processAppName": {"type": "string",
                     "description": "The process app where the team was defined / modeled. Used in returned JSON and ignored if included as part of payload."
           "description":"The predefined size of items to be retrieved.  Defaults if not provided to a value set in the system configuration.",
           "description":"The filter to target different task categories (tasks available for claiming, claimed tasks, completed tasks, etc).  Defaults if not provided to 'all'.",
           "description":"A list of fields to be returned when the saved search is executed.",
        "aliases": {
           "type": "array",
           "description": "The aliases for business data fields of a saved search.",
           "properties" : {
                "field": {"type": "string",
                          "description": "The business data field the alias is for."
                "alias": {"type": "string",
                          "description": "The alias for the field."
        "sort": {
           "type": "array",
           "description": "The sort order of the saved search definition.",
           "properties" : {
                "field": {"type": "string",
                          "description": "The field to sort on."
                "order": {"type": "string",
                          "description": "The order to sort on.",
        "conditions": {
           "type": "array",
           "description": "Represents the conditions of a saved search definition.",
           "properties" : {
                "field": {"type": "string",
                     "description": "The field the condition is based on."
                "operator": {"type": "string",
                     "description": "The operation to perform. There is a set list of valid values.",
                "value": {"type": "string",
                     "description": "The value of the condition."
+ View example content
   "aliases": [
         "alias":"Customer Specific Alias"
         "processAppName":"Hiring Sample"

MIME type: application/xml

+ View schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
	elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns="" 

    <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace=""/>

     The saved search definition. This is the format that is returned when a search is retrieved, 
     and the format that is used for the payload when saving or updating a search.
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefinition">
	        <extension base="pref:Data"> 
                    The ID of the saved search definition.
                    This field is always returned.  When supplied as part of the payload:
		             Create:  The ID should be blank when creating a saved search definition.
		             Update:  Optional, if supplied the id must match the id of the saved search definition being updated.
		             Adhoc execution:  This field is optional, if supplied it is ignored."
                    <element name="id" type="string" />
                    "The name of the saved search definition. 
                    This field is always returned. When supplied as part of the payload:
		             Create:  Required and must follow the name validation rules.
		             Update:	Optional, if supplied for the purpose of renameing, must follow the name validation rules
		             Adhoc execution:  This field is optional, if supplied it is ignored."
                    <element name="name" type="string" />
                    The owner of the saved search definition. 
                     Create:  If a value is not set, the currently logged on user is set as the owner upon save.
                     Update:  Defaulting rules are applied. (pre 8570 did not have owner)
                    <element name="owner" type="string" nillable="true"/>
					A string that indicates how the search results are organized.
					The value is set to either "byTask" or "byInstance".  Defaults if not provided.
					<element name="organization" type="string" />
					<!-- Indicates whether the saved search is shared. Defaults if not provided. -->
                    <element name="shared" type="boolean" />
                    <!-- Indicates if the saved search is shared with a team or global -->
                    <element name="teams" type="tns:SavedSearchDefnTeam" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                    <!-- The pre-predefined size of items to be retrieved. -->
					<element name="size" type="integer" nillable="true" />
					The filter to target different Saved Searches for different task categories 
					(team tasks, claimed tasks, closed tasks, etc). 
					<element name="interaction" type="string" nillable="true"/>
					<!--  fields or columns -->
					<element name="fields" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
					<!--  business data aliases -->
					<element name="aliases" type="tns:SavedSearchDefnAlias" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
					<!-- sort order  -->
					<element name="sort" type="tns:SavedSearchDefnSort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"/>
					<!-- search condition  -->
					<element name="conditions" type="tns:SavedSearchDefnCondition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"/>


    This type represents the meta data of a saved search definition that is returned in list of definitions.
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefinitionMetadata">
	        <extension base="pref:Data"> 
                    The ID of the saved search definition.
                    If a value is not set, a new saved search definition is created upon save.
                    <element name="id" type="string" />
                    The name of the saved search definition. 
                    <element name="name" type="string" />
                    The owner of the saved search definition. 
                    <element name="owner" type="string" nillable="true"/>
					A string that indicates how the search results are organized.
					The value is set to either "byTask" or "byInstance".
					<element name="organization" type="string" />
					<!-- Indicates whether the saved search is shared -->
                    <element name="shared" type="boolean" />

        A list of saved search definitions. 
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefinitions">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <element name="definitions" type="tns:SavedSearchDefinitionMetadata" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

    <!-- This type represents the sort order of a saved search definition. -->
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefnSort">
 			<!-- The field to sort on. -->
            <element name="field" type="string" />
            <!-- This will be set to "DESC" or "ASC". -->
            <element name="order" type="string" />
	<!-- This type represents the aliases for business data fields of a saved search. -->
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefnAlias">
			<!-- The business data field the alias is for. -->
            <element name="field" type="string" />
			<!-- The alias for the field. -->
            <element name="alias" type="string" />

    <!-- This type represents the conditions of a saved search definition. -->
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefnCondition">
            <!-- The field the condition is based on. -->
            <element name="field" type="string" />
            <!-- The operation to perform.  There is a set list of valid values. -->
            <element name="operator" type="string" />
            <!-- The value of the condition ". -->
            <element name="value" type="string" />

    <!-- This type represents the teams that are authorized or can execute a shared saved search definition. -->
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefnTeam">
            <!-- The team id. -->
            <element name="teamId" type="string" />
            <!-- The team name. -->
            <element name="teamName" type="string" />
            <!-- The process app where the team was defined / modeled". -->
            <element name="processAppName" type="string" />

     This type represents individual meta data of the type requested that can be used in a saved or adhoc search definition.
     It is used to get a list of fields and meta data about those fields. It is filtered by type of meta data requested.
     This type is also used for simple enumerations, in which case type and full_text_searchable will be null.
    <complexType name="SearchDefinitionMetaData">
            <!-- The field name. -->
            <element name="name" type="string" />
            <!-- The field's type with the type being one of the following:  String , Date, Time, Integer, Decimal, Boolean. -->
            <element name="type" type="string" />
            <!-- The attribute to indicate if this field may be used in a full text search. -->
            <element name="full_text_searchable" type="boolean" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>

        A list of meta data filtered by type that can be used in a saved or adhoc search definition
        It is filtered by type of meta data requested and the elements returned are determined by the type of meta data requested.
    <complexType name="SearchDefintionMetaDataResultsByType">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <element name="result" type="tns:SearchDefinitionMetaData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

     A list of action policies or available actions a user has based on the Saved Search Definition.
    <complexType name="SavedSearchDefinitionUsersAvailableActions">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <element name="actions" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ View example content
<data xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns8="" xsi:type="ns8:savedSearchDefinition">
			<alias>Customer Specific Alias</alias>

Response content

List of human task entities (SavedSearchResultSet complexType).

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

+ View schema
   "title":"Search Execution Result Set",
   "description":"This type represents the results of executing a saved or ad hoc search.",
   {  "identifier" : {"type": "string",
         "description": "The key attribute associated with this set of query results. This will depend on the type of objects being returned by the query, and will be one of: TASK.TKIID, TASK_TEMPL.TKTID, PROCESS_INSTANCE.PIID."
      "query": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Name of the query that is associated with this query result set."
      "entityTypeName": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Type of entities that are returned as the result of the query.  This will be one of PROCESS_INSTANCE, TASK, or TASK_TEMPL."
      "queryExecuteTime": {"type": "dateTime",
         "description": "The server timestamp when the search is run.  Can be used by mobile devices to receive refresh notification.  Can be null."
      "taskIndexUpdateInterval ": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "The server update interval of the task index."
      "attributeInfo":{"type": "array",
          "description":"The list of attributes (fields) returned by this query",
          "properties": {
                "name": {"type": "string",
                   "description": "Attribute name."
                "type": {"type": "string",
                   "description": "Attribute type."
                "isArray": {"type": "boolean",
                   "description": "Specifies whether the attribute has an array of values."
                "content": {"type": "string",
                   "description": "A string that identifies attributes with a well-known value range."
                "sourceAttribute": {"type": "string",
                   "description": "The related query table and attribute which provides this attributes' information."
                "sourceQueryTableIdentifier": {"type": "string", "optional": true,
                   "description": "The ID of the source attribute's table, as defined in the query table definition."
      "offset": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "The offset value that was specified on the original request. This value represents the index (within the overall query result set) of the first item being returned"
      "size": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "The number of items being returned"
      "requestedSize": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "The number of items requested in the original request"
      "totalCount": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "Total number of results"
      "countLimitExceeded": {"type": "boolean",
         "description": "True if total number of results exceeds a search limit and is actually unknown"
      "countLimit": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "Specifies the search limit used if any or 0 if it's not set"
      "items":{"type": "array",
          "description":"The set of results returned by this query. This is represented as a list of zero or more items, where each item represents a row in the result set. Each item is represented by a Map, where the Map contains the various fields of data associated with that item (row).",
          "properties": {
                "key": {"type": "String",
                   "description": "The field."
                "value": {"type": "anyType", 
                   "description": "The value of that field."
          "type": "array",
          "description": "The summary stats for rows (items) in the result set that would be returned by executing a particular saved or adhoc search",
          "properties": {
                "total": {"type": "integer",
                   "description": "Total number of results."
                "open": {"type": "integer",
                   "description": "Total number of results thare are open."
                "onTrack": {"type": "integer",
                   "description": "Total number of results thare are onTrack."
                "atRisk": {"type": "integer",
                   "description": "Total number of results thare are atRisk."
                "overdue": {"type": "integer",
                   "description": "Total number of results thare are overdue."
+ View example content
      "queryExecuteTime": "2016-02-02T02:08:56Z",
      "taskIndexUpdateInterval": 5,
    "offset":         0,
    "size":           2,
    "requestedSize":  2,
    "totalCount":     11,
    "countLimit":     500,
                 "TASK.TKIID":              "3",
                 "PROCESS_INSTANCE.PIID":   "3",
                 "SNAPSHOT_ID":             "2064.73dd1d1a-b533-46ef-ba79-c94cb3b0de87",
                 "DUE":                     "2016-01-29T17:52:07Z",
                 "ORIGINATOR":              "tw_user",
                 "COMPLETED":               "2016-01-29T16:52:30Z",
                 "PT_PTID":                 "25.f99618db-901f-487d-9917-f0aa6c811ab1",
                 "PI_NAME":                 "Employee Requisition for (3)",
                 "AT_RISK_TIME":            "2016-01-30T17:46:07Z",
                 "KIND":                    "KIND_PARTICIPATING",
                 "STATE":                   "STATE_FINISHED",
                 "OWNER":                   "tw_user",
                 "SNAPSHOT_NAME":           "1.0.1",
                 "PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM":     "BPMRES1",
                 "PI_PIID":                 "3",
                 "ACTIVATED":               "2016-01-29T16:52:07Z",
                 "STATUS":                  "Closed",
                 "PRIORITY":                30,
                 "NAME":                    "Submit job requisition",
                 "TKIID":                   "3",  
                 "TAD_DISPLAY_NAME":        "Task: Submit requisition",
                 "CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID":      "3",
                 "IS_AT_RISK":              true,
                 "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME": null
                 "TASK.TKIID":              "4",
                 "PROCESS_INSTANCE.PIID":   "4",
                 "SNAPSHOT_ID":             "2064.73dd1d1a-b533-46ef-ba79-c94cb3b0de87",
                 "DUE":                     "2016-01-30T17:52:07Z",
                 "ORIGINATOR":              "tw_user",
                 "COMPLETED":               null,
                 "PT_PTID":                 "25.f99618db-901f-487d-9917-f0aa6c811ab1",
                 "PI_NAME":                 "Employee Requisition for (4)",
                 "AT_RISK_TIME":            "2016-02-01T17:46:07Z",
                 "KIND":                    "KIND_PARTICIPATING",
                 "STATE":                   "STATE_CLAIMED",
                 "OWNER":                   "tw_user",
                 "SNAPSHOT_NAME":           "1.0.1",
                 "PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM":     "BPMRES1",
                 "PI_PIID":                 "4",
                 "ACTIVATED":               "2016-01-30T16:52:07Z",
                 "STATUS":                  "Received",
                 "PRIORITY":                30,
                 "NAME":                    "Submit job requisition",
                 "TKIID":                   "3",  
                 "TAD_DISPLAY_NAME":        "Task: Submit requisition",
                 "CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID":      "3",
                 "IS_AT_RISK":              false,
                 "ASSIGNED_TO_ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME":  null
       "total":      11,
       "open":       8,
       "onTrack":    6,
       "atRisk":     1,
       "overdue":    1

MIME type: application/xml

+ View schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
	elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns="" 

    <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="Query.xsd" namespace=""/>

     This type represents the results of executing a saved search.

    <!-- This type is used to return the results of executing a particular saved search definition. -->
	<complexType name="SavedSearchResultSet">
			<extension base="pref:Data">

					<!-- The key attribute associated with this set of query results. This 
						will depend on the type of objects being returned by the query, and will 
					<element name="identifier" type="string" />

					<!-- The name of the saved query for which these results were generated -->
					<element name="query" type="string" />

					<!-- This field indicates the type of objects are returned by this query. 
						This will be one of "PROCESS_INSTANCE", "TASK", "TASK_TEMPL". -->
					<element name="entityTypeName" type="string" />

 					<!-- The server timestamp when the search is run.  Used by mobile devices to receive refresh notification -->
                    <element name="queryExecuteTime" type="dateTime" nillable="true" />

 					<!-- The server update interval of the task index -->
                    <element name="taskIndexUpdateInterval" type="integer" nillable="true" />

					<!-- The list of attributes (fields, pre8570 aka columns ) returned by this query -->
					<element name="attributeInfo" type="query:AttributeInfo"
						minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

					<!-- The offset value that was specified on the original request. This 
						value represents the index (within the overall query result set) of the first 
						item being returned. -->
					<element name="offset" type="integer" />

					<!-- The number of items being returned -->
					<element name="size" type="integer" />

					<!-- The number of items requested in the original request -->
					<element name="requestedSize" type="integer" />

					<!-- Total number of results -->
					<element name="totalCount" type="integer" />
					<!-- True if total number of results exceeds a search limit and is actually unknown -->
					<element name="countLimitExceeded" type="boolean" />
					<!-- Specifies the search limit used if any or 0 if it's not set -->
					<element name="countLimit" type="integer" />

					<!-- The set of results returned by this query. This is represented 
						as a list of zero or more "items", where each item represents a row in the 
						result set. Each item is represented by a Map, where the Map contains the 
						various columns of data associated with that item (row). -->
					<element name="items" type="common:Map" minOccurs="0"	maxOccurs="unbounded" />

					<!-- This type is used to return the stats for rows (items) in the result 
					set that would be returned by executing a particular saved query. -->
					<element name="stats" type="query:QueryStats" />
+ View example content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<bpm:ResponseData xmlns:bpm=''>
  <data xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:savedsrchexec='' xsi:type='savedsrchexec:SavedSearchResultSet'>
      <item key='TASK.TKIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>3</value>
      <item key='PROCESS_INSTANCE.PIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>3</value>
	  <item key='SNAPSHOT_ID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2064.73dd1d1a-b533-46ef-ba79-c94cb3b0de87</value>
      <item key='DUE'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2016-01-29T17:52:07Z</value>
      <item key='ORIGINATOR'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='COMPLETED'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2016-01-29T16:52:30Z</value>
      <item key='PT_PTID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>25.f99618db-901f-487d-9917-f0aa6c811ab1</value>
      <item key='PI_NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Employee Requisition for (3)</value>
      <item key='AT_RISK_TIME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2016-01-30T17:46:07Z</value>
      <item key='KIND'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>KIND_PARTICIPATING</value>
      <item key='STATE'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>STATE_FINISHED</value>
      <item key='OWNER'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>1.0.1</value>
      <item key='PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>BPMRES1</value>
      <item key='PI_PIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>3</value>
      <item key='ACTIVATED'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2016-01-29T16:52:07Z</value>
      <item key='STATUS'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Closed</value>
      <item key='PRIORITY'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:int'>30</value>
      <item key='NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Submit job requisition</value>
      <item key='TKIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>3</value>
      <item key='TAD_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Task: Submit requisition</value>
      <item key='CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>3</value>
      <item key='IS_AT_RISK'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:boolean'>true</value>
      <item key='TASK.TKIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>4</value>
      <item key='PROCESS_INSTANCE.PIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>4</value>
	  <item key='SNAPSHOT_ID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2064.73dd1d1a-b533-46ef-ba79-c94cb3b0de87</value>
      <item key='DUE'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2016-01-30T17:52:07Z</value>
      <item key='ORIGINATOR'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='COMPLETED'/>
      <item key='PT_PTID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>25.f99618db-901f-487d-9917-f0aa6c811ab1</value>
      <item key='PI_NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Employee Requisition for (4)</value>
      <item key='AT_RISK_TIME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>"2016-02-01T17:46:07Z</value>
      <item key='KIND'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>KIND_PARTICIPATING</value>
      <item key='STATE'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>STATE_CLAIMED</value>
      <item key='OWNER'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>1.0.1</value>
      <item key='PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>BPMRES1</value>
      <item key='PI_PIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>4</value>
      <item key='ACTIVATED'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>2016-01-30T16:52:07Z</value>
      <item key='STATUS'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Received</value>
      <item key='PRIORITY'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:int'>30</value>
      <item key='NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Submit job requisition</value>
      <item key='TKIID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>4</value>
      <item key='TAD_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>Task: Submit requisition</value>
      <item key='CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:string'>4</value>
      <item key='IS_AT_RISK'>
        <value xsi:type='ns10:boolean'>false</value>

Error Response content

Detailed error information.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

+ View schema
{  "description": "WLE Error Response", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "status": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The status of the previous API call."
      "exceptionType": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The classname associated with the exception."
      "errorNumber": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message ID of the exception."
      "errorMessage": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message text of the exception."
      "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true,
         "description":"Message text parameters of the exception."
      "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true,
         "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace."

MIME type: application/xml

+ View schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
	elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns=""

    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace="" />
	This type represents an error response.
    <element name="RestRuntimeException">
		<element name="status" type="string"/>
		<element name="Data" type="tns:ExceptionData">

	 This type contains detailed error information associated with an exception.
    <complexType name="ExceptionData">
	    <element name="status" type="string"/>

	    <!-- This specifies the java class name of the exception -->
	    <element name="exceptionType" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The message ID of the error message -->
	    <element name="errorNumber" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>

	    <!-- The complete error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessage" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The list of strings inserted into the error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessageParameters" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

		 The stacktrace associated with the exception.
		 Note that this will be omitted unless the "server-stacktrace-enabled" property
		 is enabled in the server's 100Custom.xml file.
	    <element name="programmersDetails" type="string"></element>
	    <!-- Prior responses.  Set if a bulk command was used -->
	    <element name="responses" type="dat:BulkCommandResponses" minOccurs="0"></element>

            <element name="errorData" type="tns:ErrorData" minOccurs="0" />

    <complexType name="ErrorData">
            <element name="code" type="string" />
            <element name="data" type="string" minOccurs="0" />

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OK
Successful completion - requested data returned. Note that the list might be empty.
400 Bad Request
Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
The caller is not authorized for this request.
403 Forbidden
The caller is not authorized to perform this operation.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
409 Conflict
Bad Request. See the details provided.
415 Unsupported Media TypeThe content type or content encoding of the request is not supported.
500 Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error. See the details provided.

Available since


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