REST interface for BPD-related resources - Asset List Resource - GET Method

Use this method to retrieve a list of the assets created in IBM Process Designer that can be viewed or printed by using the process documentation tools. The user must have read access to the process application.

Sample method invocation

GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/assets[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&processAppId={string}][&documentationType={string}][&documentationSize={string}][&filter={string set}]


Note: To identify the correct snapshot to be used, you must specify one of the snapshotId, branchId, or processAppId parameters.
The following precedence rules apply:
1) If the snapshotId parameter is specified, that specific snapshot is used and the processAppId parameter is ignored.
2) If the branchId parameter is specified, the tip (current) snapshot of the specified branch (track) is used.
3) If the processAppId parameter is specified, the tip (current) snapshot of the default branch (track) within that process application is used.

Note: For a complete list of supported assets, see the sample JSON schema below.
Optional parameters
NameValue TypeDescription
snapshotId string
The identifier of the snapshot associated with the assets. You must set one of the snapshotId, branchId, or processAppId parameters.
branchId string
The identifier of the branch associated with the assets. You must set one of the snapshotId, branchId, or processAppId parameters.
processAppId string
The identifier of the process application associated with the assets. You must set one of the snapshotId, branchId, or processAppId parameters.
documentationType string
Specifies which of the following text types is used to format the asset description:

plain Formats the description in plain text.
rich Formats the description in rich text.
both Formats the description in plain text and formats a second description in rich text.

Note: If you do not specify this parameter, both plain text and rich text asset descriptions are returned.
documentationSize string
Specifies the maximum character count of the plain text description that is returned for each asset. This parameter is ignored for rich text descriptions. If the parameter is not specified, the full plain text description is returned.
filter string set
Filters the assets that are returned based on the following rules:

type Filters the assets by type. For example, if you specify type=BPD, only BPDs are returned in a given project/snapshot/branch. For a complete list of supported assets, see the sample JSON schema below.
name Filters the assets by name. For example, if you specify name=process, only those assets are returned that contain the string "process" in their name.
tag Filters the assets by tag. For example, if you specify tag=HR, only those assets are returned that contain the tag "HR" in their list of tags.

Note: This a string set. As a result, multiple rules can be used in the same REST call.

Request content


Response content

Zero or more asset lists grouped by asset type. Note: The identifier returned for an asset of type Participant can be used as a teamId value in team-related calls.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

+ View schema
        	"type": "string",
        	"description": "The type name of the asset.", 
	            "Human Service, 
	            "SCA Service", 			
	            "Integration Service", 
	            "Rule Service",     
	            "General System Service",
	            "Undercover Agent Passthrough Service",
	            "Coach Flow",
	            "External Service",
	            "Service Flow",
	            "Deployment Service Flow", 
                "description":{"type": "string", "description": "The description the asset."},
                "richDescription":{"type": "string", "description": "The rich text description the asset."},
                "poId":{"type": "string", "description": "The persistent object ID of the asset."},
                "poVersionId": {"type": "string", "description": "The persistent object version ID of the asset."},
                "tags":[{"type": "string", "description": "The tag of the asset."}],
                "shared":{"type": "boolean", "description": "True if asset is a shared business object, false otherwise."},
                "iconType":{"type": "integer", "description": "Business object icon type. 0 - Business object default icon. 1 - Business object shared icon. 2 - Business object discovered icon."},
                "name":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the asset."},
                "last_modified_by_userId":{"type": "long", "description": "The user ID of the last modifier on the asset."},
                "last_modified_by_userName":{"type": "string", "description": "The user name of the last modifier on the asset."},
                "last_modified":{"type": "long", "description": "The last modified date of the asset."}
        "snapshotId":{"type": "string", "description": "The snapshot identifier."},
		"snapshotCreationDate":{"type": "long", "description": "The creation date of the snapshot."},
		"snapshotName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the snapshot."},
		"branchId":{"type": "string", "description": "The branch identifier."},
		"branchName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the branch."},
		"projectId":{"type": "string", "description": "The process application or toolkit identifier"},
		"projectName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the process application or toolkit"},
		"isToolkit":{"type": "boolean", "description": "True if this is a toolkit, false if it is a process application"}

1. "SCA Service" is also called "advanced integration service"
2. "Rule Service" is also called "decision service"
3. "BPD" is "business process definition"
4. "VariableType" is also called "business object"
5. "Participant" is "participant group"
6. "EPV" is "exposed process value"
7. "SLA" is "service level agreement"
8. "UCA" is "undercover agent"
+ View example content
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
        "Human Service":[{
                "name":"GM Approval",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "name":"Submit Requisition",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
        "SCA Service":[{
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
        "Integration Service":[{
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "name":"Process App Settings",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
        "Installation Service":[{
                "name":" Installation Service",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
        "Rule Service":[{
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "name":"HR Open New Position",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
        "General System Service":[{
                "last_modified_by_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
        "Coach Flow": [{
                "description": "This client-side human service contains the form that the hiring manager fills out to create a position request.",
                "richDescription": "This client-side human service contains the form that the hiring manager fills out to create a position request.",
                "poId": "1.1bfbbe13-d8a5-4516-88b6-3d1f29f91af3",
                "poVersionId": "5ccc50c6-d5f7-4ef7-a788-26e4b9864f05",
                "tags": [],
                "existsInTarget": false,
                "sameVersionId": false,
                "hasBrokenDep": false,
                "isNewerVersion": false,
                "shared": false,
                "iconType": 0,
                "name": "Create Position Request CSHS",
                "last_modified_by_userId": 9,
                "last_modified_by_userName": "tw_admin",
                "last_modified": 1508776387315
        "Service Flow": [{
                "description": "This service provides the options for the GM to approve or reject the new position request.",
                "richDescription": "    

This service provides the options for the GM to approve or reject the new position request.

", "poId": "1.3e71603b-560a-43da-b4a4-2cfe06b06154", "poVersionId": "74066e37-47d3-4d83-9474-248d4bf715fd", "tags": [], "existsInTarget": false, "sameVersionId": false, "hasBrokenDep": false, "isNewerVersion": false, "shared": false, "iconType": 0, "name": "Populate ApprovalList", "last_modified_by_userId": 9, "last_modified_by_userName": "tw_admin", "last_modified": 1508776387315 } ], "snapshotId":"2064.1772d192-68a6-4759-ac2e-d7ff5c930579", "snapshotCreationDate":2147483647, "snapshotName":null, "branchId":"2063.1a52abd6-b068-4f9e-91a9-ded9793eb34e", "branchName":"Main", "projectId":"2066.9ab0d0c6-d92c-4355-9ed5-d8a05acdc4b0", "projectName":"Hiring Sample", "isToolkit":false } }

MIME type: application/xml

+ View schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""

    <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace=""/>
	<complexType name="Asset">
		    <extension base="pref:NamedElement">        
					<element name="description" type="string" />
					<element name="richDescription" type="string" />
					<element name="poId" type="string" />
					<element name="poVersionId" type="string" />
					<element name="last_modified_by_userId" type="long" />
					<element name="last_modified_by_userName" type="string" />
					<element name="last_modified" type="long" />
					<element name="tags" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
					<element name="fullDepIds" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
					<element name="dependencies" type="tns:tDependency" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
					<element name="status" type="tns:tPOVersionStatus" />
					<element name="poType" type="string" />
					<element name="existsInTarget" type="boolean" />
					<element name="sameVersionId" type="boolean" />
					<element name="hasBrokenDep" type="boolean" />
					<element name="isNewerVersion" type="boolean" >
							<documentation>Only applies when the status is "Updated"</documentation>
					<element name="shared" type="boolean" >
                            <documentation>Depreciated, use iconType of value 1</documentation>
					<element name="iconType" type="int" default="0" >
                            <documentation>Only applies when the poType is "VariableType"</documentation>
                    <element name="eventType" type="tns:tEventType" >
                            <documentation>Only applies when the poType is "UCA"</documentation>
	<complexType name="tDependency">
			<element name="poId" type="string" />
			<element name="name" type="string" />
			<element name="poType" type="string" />
			<element name="status" type="tns:tPOVersionStatus" />
			<element name="isNewerVersion" type="boolean" >
					<documentation>Only applies when the status is "Updated"</documentation>
			<element name="isBrokenDep" type="boolean" />
			<element name="isExternal" type="boolean" />
	<simpleType name="tPOVersionStatus">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="NoChange"/>
			<enumeration value="Conflict"/>
			<enumeration value="Updated"/>
			<enumeration value="New"/>

	<complexType name="tAssetIDList">
			<element name="ids" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1"/>
	<simpleType name="tEventType">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="Message" />
			<enumeration value="Content" />
			<enumeration value="Timer" />
+ View example content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<bpm:ResponseData xmlns:bpm=""
	<data xmlns:xsi=""
		xmlns:cmn="" xsi:type="cmn:Map">
		<item list="true" key="WebService">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="Human Service">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<name>GM Approval</name>
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<name>Submit Requisition</name>
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="SCA Service">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="SLA">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="TrackingGroup">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="Integration Service">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="ProjectDefaults">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<name>Process App Settings</name>
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="EPV">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="TimingInterval">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="Rule Service">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="UCA">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="Participant">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="BPD">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<name>HR Open New Position</name>
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="VariableType">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="ExternalActivity">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item list="true" key="General System Service">
			<value xmlns:assets=""
				<last_modified_by_userName>Internal TW Admin user
		<item key="snapshotId">
			<value xsi:type="ns9:string">2064.1772d192-68a6-4759-ac2e-d7ff5c930579</value>
		<item key="snapshotCreationDate">
			<value xsi:type="ns9:long">1338999346434</value>
		<item key="snapshotName"/>
		<item key="branchId">
			<value xsi:type="ns9:string">2063.1a52abd6-b068-4f9e-91a9-ded9793eb34e</value>
		<item key="branchName">
			<value xsi:type="ns9:string">Main</value>
		<item key="projectId">
			<value xsi:type="ns9:string">2066.9ab0d0c6-d92c-4355-9ed5-d8a05acdc4b0</value>
		<item key="projectName">
			<value xsi:type="ns9:string">Hiring Sample</value>
		<item key="isToolkit">
			<value xsi:type="ns9:boolean">false</value>

Error Response content

Detailed error information.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

+ View schema
{  "description": "WLE Error Response", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "status": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The status of the previous API call."
      "exceptionType": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The classname associated with the exception."
      "errorNumber": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message ID of the exception."
      "errorMessage": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message text of the exception."
      "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true,
         "description":"Message text parameters of the exception."
      "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true,
         "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace."

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OKSuccess completion.
400 Bad RequestThe parameters are not valid or they are missing.
401 UnauthorizedThe caller is not authorized for this request.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
500 Internal Server ErrorA severe problem has occurred, programmer's details are provided.

Available since


Parent Topic: Asset List Resource