Configuration properties for Process Portal action policies

Action policies for Process Portal restrict actions on business processes and tasks to certain user groups. Some of these policies have default groups assigned to them. You can change the default values to fit the needs of your Process Portal users.

Important: The following information applies to both Heritage Process Portal (deprecated) and Process Portal.
The configuration properties for the action policies are contained in the BPMActionPolicy configuration object. You can use the AdminConfig object commands in the wsadmin tool to change the default security group for an action policy. See Commands for the AdminConfig object using wsadmin scripting.


The following conditions must be met:
  • Run the command on the deployment manager node.
  • If the deployment manager is stopped, use the -conntype none option to run the command in disconnected mode.
  • If the deployment manager is running, you must connect with a user ID that has WebSphere® Application Server configurator privileges. Do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.


Start the wsadmin scripting client from the profile_root/bin directory.

List of action policies

The following table lists the action policies and the default security group that is assigned to them. The BPMActionPolicy configuration object is an array of pairs that match each action type with the roles that can perform the action.

Table 1. Process Portal action policies
Action policy Effect Default security group
ACTION_MANAGE_ANY_USERATTRIBUTE Modifies any user attribute of any user. tw_admins
ACTION_REFRESH_USER Synchronizes a user's full name and group membership using the REST API. tw_admins
ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE Permanently terminate a process instance. tw_admins
ACTION_SUSPEND_INSTANCE Temporarily deactivate a process instance. tw_admins
ACTION_RESUME_INSTANCE Resume a suspended process instance. tw_admins
ACTION_ADD_COMMENT Add comments to a process instance. None; available to all users by default
ACTION_ADD_HELP_REQUEST Request help from other process participants on a process instance or its related tasks. None; available to all users by default
ACTION_RESPOND_HELP_REQUEST Respond to help requests from other process participants. None; available to all users by default
ACTION_ASSIGN_TASK Claim a task that is assigned to a group of which you are a member. You become the owner of the task. None; available to all users by default
ACTION_ASSIGN_AND_RUN_TASK Run a task that is assigned to a group of which you are a member. The task is automatically assigned to you. None; available to all users by default
ACTION_REASSIGN_TASK Assign a task to the group to which the task was previously assigned. None; available to all users by default

In addition, this policy is always available to members of a team of managers.

ACTION_REASSIGN_TASK_USER_ROLE Assign a task to a different user or a group. None; available to all users by default

In addition, this policy is always available to members of a team of managers.

ACTION_CHANGE_TASK_DUEDATE Change the due date of a task. tw_admins

In addition, this policy is always available to members of a team of managers.

ACTION_CHANGE_INSTANCE_DUEDATE Change the due date of a process instance. tw_admins
ACTION_CHANGE_TASK_PRIORITY Change the priority of a task as needed to escalate or de-escalate the task. tw_admins

In addition, this policy is always available to members of a team of managers.

ACTION_MOVE_TOKEN Move the token to any step in the business process definition. tw_admins
ACTION_DELETE_TOKEN Delete a token at any step in the business process definition. Required to delete ad hoc events. tw_admins
ACTION_INJECT_TOKEN Create a new token at any step in the business process definition. Required to initiate ad hoc events. tw_admins
ACTION_UPDATE_INSTANCE_VARIABLE Assigning users to one or more groups to grant them access the REST API to update process instance variables. tw_admins
ACTION_USER_REFRESH Refresh a user's full name and group memberships by using the user or users REST API resource. tw_admins
ACTION_VIEW_PROCESS_DIAGRAM View a process diagram in the Gantt chart. None; available to all users who have access to the process instance
ACTION_VIEW_PROCESS_AUDIT View historical data about process variables. tw_admins
ACTION_VIEW_CRITICAL_PATH Use the Gantt chart to view the projected path of a running process instance.
Attention: The Allow Projected Path Management option must be enabled for the business process in Process Designer.
None; available to all users who have access to the process instance
ACTION_CHANGE_CRITICAL_PATH Use the pages in the Gantt chart to change the projected path of a running process instance, and adjust the due dates of tasks in a process instance.
Attention: The Allow Projected Path Management option must be enabled for the business process in Process Designer. In addition, the user must also belong to the security group that is assigned to the ACTION_VIEW_CRITICAL_PATH action policy.
ACTION_ADD_DOCUMENT Add a document to a process instance.
Attention: This action policy does not apply to process instances that are based on cases.
None; available to all users by default
ACTION_UPDATE_DOCUMENT Update a document that belongs to a process instance.
Attention: This action policy does not apply to process instances that are based on cases.
None; available to all users by default
ACTION_DELETE_DOCUMENT Delete a document from a process instance.
Attention: This action policy does not apply to process instances that are based on cases.
None; available to all users by default
ACTION_DELETE_INSTANCE Delete a process instance. tw_admins
ACTION_FIRE_TIMER Manually fire a timer. tw_admins
ACTION_CREATE_SHARED_SAVED_SEARCH Create saved searches and share them with a team that you manage or that you are a member of, or with everyone. The creator of a saved search becomes its owner. Owners can update and delete their shared saved searches.
Attention: Shared saved searches from releases of IBM® BPM earlier than V8.6.0 do not have owners. Only users who belong to the security group assigned to the ACTION_ADMINISTER_SHARED_SAVED_SEARCHES action policy can update or delete these saved searches, by using the /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/tasks/saved_search_name REST API that was introduced in V8.6.0.
None; available to all users by default
ACTION_ADMINISTER_SHARED_SAVED_SEARCHES Create, update, and delete saved searches, and share them with any team or everyone. Members of the assigned security group can also update and delete shared saved searches that are owned by other users, by using the appropriate saved search REST APIs. Members can also reassign ownership by using the /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/tasks/saved_search_name REST API that was introduced in V8.6.0. tw_admins
IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2017.12ACTION_MANAGE_SAVED_SEARCH Restrict the rights to create or edit personal saved searches to some users or groups of users.

These users can see and run the saved searches that are shared with them. They can see, run, and delete their existing personal saved searches, and add them to, remove them from, their list of favorites (star). But they cannot edit or duplicate them. They can also list and run shared saved searches, and manage their list of favorites, but they cannot edit, duplicate, or delete them.

In the Process Portal Work dashboard, the buttons for these actions are hidden to the users who do not have creation and update rights.

This action is used only to enforce the access to the saved search REST API. It is never explicitly returned by the /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/actions REST API.

Available to all users by default
IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2018.03ACTION_VIEW_USER_PERSONAL_DATA Authorizes non-administrators to call the IBM BPM operations REST API to get the personal data about an IBM BPM user. For more information, see Retrieving personal data of IBM BPM users. tw_admins
IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2018.03ACTION_DELETE_USER_PERSONAL_DATA Authorizes non-administrators to call the IBM BPM operations REST API to get and delete the personal data about a deactivated IBM BPM user or activate/deactivate users by synchronizing users between the IBM BPM database and the user registry. For more information, see Retrieving personal data of IBM BPM users, Deleting personal data of IBM users, or Synchronizing internal and external user data. tw_admins
IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2018.03ACTION_REFRESH_USER Authorizes non-administrators to call the IBM BPM operations REST API toactivate/deactivate users by synchronizing users between the IBM BPM database and the user registry. For more information, see Synchronizing internal and external user data. tw_admins

Modifying the action policies contained in the BPMActionPolicy configuration object

The following examples are shown using Jython scripts.
  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
    deployment_manager_profile\bin>wsadmin -lang jython -conntype none
    WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server proc
    ess. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local
    WASX7031I: For help, enter: "print"
  2. Show defaults.
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.defaults('BPMPolicyAction')
    Attribute                       Type                            Default
    type                            String
    roles                           String
  3. Show the BPMActionPolicy configuration ID.
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.list('BPMPolicyAction')
  4. Determine the index for the attribute that you want to modify.
    wsadmin>def getBPMPolicyAction(type):
    wsadmin>  policyActions = AdminUtilities.convertToList(AdminConfig.list('BPMPolicyAction'))
    wsadmin>  for policyAction in policyActions:
    wsadmin>    if AdminConfig.showAttribute(policyAction, "type") == type:
    wsadmin>      return policyAction
    wsadmin>print getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE")
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.showAttribute(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE"), "roles")
    wsadmin>AdminConfig.modify(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE"), [["roles", "newrole"]])
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.showAttribute(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE"), "roles")
    wsadmin>AdminConfig.modify(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE"), [["roles", []]])
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.showAttribute(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE"), "roles")
    wsadmin>AdminConfig.modify(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE"), [["roles", "tw_admins"]])
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.showAttribute(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_ABORT_INSTANCE"), "roles")
Attention: To save your changes, you must run the command each time you modify a property.

Sample python script

Refer to the sample python script for more examples on modifying the BPMActionPolicy configuration object. The sample script is located at install_home/util/Security/