This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Deleting human task templates that are no longer valid

Use the administrative script to delete, from the Business Process Choreographer database, human task templates that are no longer valid.

Before you begin

You must know both the name of the template and the ValidFromUTC value for the template that you want to delete. If you do not have that information, perform Listing information about process and task templates first.

The following conditions must be met:
  • Run the script in the connected mode, that is, do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.
  • You must have either operator or deployer authority.
  • At least one cluster member must be running.
  • If you are not working with the default profile, use the wsadmin -profileName profile option to specify the profile.

About this task

The script removes from the database those templates, and all objects that belong to them, that are not contained in any corresponding valid application in the WebSphere® configuration repository. This situation can occur if deploying an application was canceled or the application was not stored in the configuration repository by the user. These templates usually have no impact. They are not shown in Business Process Choreographer Explorer.

You cannot use this script to remove templates of valid applications from the database. This condition is checked and a ConfigurationError exception is thrown if the corresponding application is valid.


  1. Change to the Business Process Choreographer subdirectory where the administrative script is located.
    For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemEnter the following command:
    cd install_root/ProcessChoreographer/admin
    For Windows operating systemEnter the following command:
    cd install_root\ProcessChoreographer\admin
  2. Delete, from the database, human task templates that are no longer valid.

    For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemEnter the following command:

    install_root/bin/ -f
         -cluster cluster_name
         -templateName templateName
         -validFromUTC timestamp
         -nameSpace nameSpace

    For Windows operating systemEnter the following command:

    install_root\bin\wsadmin -f
        -cluster cluster_name
         -templateName templateName
         -validFromUTC timestamp
         -nameSpace nameSpace
    -cluster clusterName
    The name of the cluster where Business Process Choreographer is configured. In a multicluster setup, you must specify the application cluster because that is where Business Process Choreographer is configured.
    -templateName templateName
    The name of the template to be deleted.
    -validFromUTC timestamp
    The date and time from which the template is valid in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The string must have the following format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss (year, month, day, T, hours, minutes, seconds). For example, 2005-01-31T13:40:50
    -nameSpace nameSpace
    The target namespace of the task template.
  3. Optional: If the script triggers long-running work, the script might fail if the connection timeout is not long enough to complete the action. Check the SystemOut.log file to see whether you need to restart the script. If the timeout happens often, consider increasing the value of the timeout property for the connector you are using, or adjusting the script parameters to reduce the amount of work done.