Copying changed assets from one track to another

After you work in isolation on separate features that are related to a process application or toolkit, creating or updating assets, you need to copy those changes from a snapshot to the tip of a track, usually the main track.
You can copy the asset only to tracks of the same process application or toolkit. The revised assets overwrite the assets that are already on the destination track and new assets are added. The dependencies of each asset are also copied from one track, which is the source, to the tip of another track, which is the destination.

For IBM® BPM Advanced deployment environment content (later on called advanced content), assets that are created in IBM Process Designer are defined as top-down assets, while assets created in IBM Integration Designer are defined as bottom up assets.

Because the copied modules and libraries and their contents are replaced in the target branch, remember the following considerations regarding advanced content:

  • If the asset is defined in IBM Process Designer, do not update the default module and library in IBM Integration Designer. This is a top-down asset.
  • If the asset is defined in IBM Integration Designer, do not place the assets in the default library or module. This is a bottom-up asset. Instead, define these assets as part of their own modules and libraries.
  • Do not use IBM Process Designer to update assets that are defined in IBM Integration Designer.


To copy assets from a source snapshot to the tip of a destination track, complete the following steps:

  1. In Process Center, select a process application or a toolkit.
  2. Select the track that you want to copy from. You see the snapshots for the track you selected.
  3. Select the snapshot that you want to copy changes from. The snapshot opens in the Process Documentation view. You can see the categories of the assets.
  4. Click Copy.
    Note: If an asset with the same name as the source snapshot is present in the target snapshot, the asset name is changed to a different name after the snapshot copy is complete.
    The Snapshot Copy window opens.
  5. Select the track where you want to copy the revisions to. Assets that are not supported in Process Documentation are listed under the Other and Advanced Content categories.
    Tip: If you expand the twistie, you can see comparisons of the assets that are marked Updated or Conflict and the updated and original assets side by side. For assets that are not supported in Process Documentation, you cannot see a side-by-side comparison, but you can copy the updated asset to the tip of the selected track. When you expand the twistie for a New asset, you can view only the new asset on the left or other side. To see a detailed view of either the original or updated supported asset, click View. To go back to the side-by-side view, click the breadcrumb at the top or beginning of the view.
  6. Select the assets that you want to copy, and then click Copy from <source> to <destination>, where the source is the snapshot of the revised track and the destination is another track, usually the main track. A confirmation window opens.
  7. By default, all the dependencies that exist in the source snapshot are included in the copy. Optionally, you can clear dependencies that you do not want to include in the copy.