Restyling process applications without redeploying them

You can update the theme of a running process application without having to redeploy the process application.

About this task

The BPMUpdateCommand updates the target process application or toolkit snapshot with the theme definitions of a source project. There are many ways that you can use the command but the steps in following procedure provide a suggestion on how to use the command efficiently.


To maximize the benefits of updating the look of a process application without having to redeploy it:

  1. Create a toolkit to contain all of the themes that your process applications or toolkits will use.
  2. Create a dummy or empty process application that has a dependency on the theme toolkit.
  3. For each process application or toolkit, create a dependency on the theme toolkit.
  4. Deploy the process applications as well as the dummy process application. Deploying the dummy process application also deploys the theme toolkit.
  5. When you want to update the theme for all of the process applications:
    1. Update the theme toolkit and deploy a new snapshot of the dummy application.
    2. Run the BPMUpdateTheme command using the new dummy application snapshot as the source for the new definitions. Likely you would script using the command to update all of the running process applications. For information about the command, see BPMUpdateTheme command